So I know it is a little bit late and you have seen pictures, but the first birthday of your baby is so important and I had to get it written down.

It was so much fun and I must say that Levi seemed to enjoy ALL of the attention. He didn't really care too much about opening the presents and eating the cake, he just wanted to show off his mad walking skills and make sure everyone was looking at him. He's a keeper, and watching as Barret helped "show him the ropes" of how to do things on your birthday, (because he has had so much practice:) )was more than anything I could have asked for.

Monday was his real Birthday! He was 1, and we celebrated in style. Taking a bike ride to uptown Normal where we flew kites, blew bubbles, and ate frozen yogurt. It was so much fun. Barret was such a great big brother too. He kept telling Bubba happy birthday and talking about how it was Bubba's birthday. I'm pretty sure he told at least 2 people while we were flying kites that it was Bubba's birthday. He was so proud of it.
First of all I can not believe that our Little Levi Baby is already 1 year old. Can you believe that just 12 months ago he looked like this:
And now, here he is at the ripe old age of 1, looking more handsome than ever. I just couldn't tell you were the time has gone.
I could sit here for hours and tell you about how challenging this first year has been. About how much Levi cries, and how many times we have gone to the doctor for croup, ear infections, colds, and even the normal check ups. I could tell you about how hard it is to lug two kids around (three when I have Caroline) the town and make sure that they are both being entertained to their fullest. I could even tell you how much harder it is to have 2 kids only 15 months apart. But I'm not going to. Instead I am going to tell you about how wonderful this year has been, how much of a blessing this little Levi is, and how much joy and love we have in our household because of him; because none of that other stuff really matters. And at the end of the day, when you just want to pull your hair out and scream because you had one on your hip and the other one pulling at your pant leg and whining all day, you forget about it. With a slobbery goodnight kiss and a little ones snuggley hug all of the stress goes away and you really see just how much you love each other and how perfect things can be.
So with that said, Levi turned 1 on Monday, April 9, 2012. WOW!
We started our celebration on Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Gaffney, Grandma and Grandpa Boehm, Great Grandma Betty, Tete Chelsey, and Uncle Jason all joining us for a party!
Our Birthday party was complete with banners, burgers, balloons, presents, cupcakes, laughter, and love. And you know what the most crazy thing of all was!?! Levi didn't like his cake! He tasted the frosting and even dipped a cookie in the frosting, but as soon as the cake entered his mouth he spit it right back out. Funniest thing ever, and totally doesn't make sense when you look at who is Mama is, and even who is brother is. But, I think we have all known that Levi is more like Daddy through and through, and Daddy doesn't like cake or chocolate. So Levi's chocolate birthday cake probably wasn't his favorite.
I thoroughly enjoyed Levi's birthday party and what looked like the aftermath of Targets outdoor kid section exploding in our living room :) Let me just say, we now have more toys outside than we do inside, which is in no way a problem for this bunch!
Would you like to know some fun facts about our little one year old? Even if you don't I am going to tell you.
Levi has 6 teeth, count them, yes 6! He went from only having two teeth for months and moths to getting four top teeth all at once! Let me just tell you, he was a crab!
Levi started walking about 2 weeks before his birthday and hasn't looked back. He loves to walk and follows me around the house, going from one room to the other.
Bubbles are his favorite :)
He has the best laugh ever, and is so cuddly when he wakes up.
His eyes are still just like Daddys and I hope they never change, because they are just beautiful!
He loves anything his big brother has and wants it, and of course is already starting to act like Barret. If he wants it, he's going to take it.
Levi eats everything in sight! Except cake of course.
More often than not he is crying, whimpering, or has a grumpy face. But the times he is smiling and laughing make up for the majority:)
Levi loves his dog, and pretty much attacks her when she is sleeping, by pulling her ears and poking at her nose.
At our 1 year well baby visit Barret tried to help Levi out by telling him that he had to be brave when he got his shots. It was cute and I was proud of Barret for wanting to help his little brother to not be scared.
Levi is growing at a rapid rate and now weighs 21 lbs 4 oz and measures 30 inches tall. He is very similar to where Barret was at 1.
I must just say that I am excited to see what year two has in store!
Happy Birthday Levi Baby!