Thursday, February 25, 2010


The past week Barret seems to love blowing bubbles. Some of them are really pretty impressive in size! I feel that this is just the first sign of him beginning to slobber and drool, something I am not looking forward to.

This weekend both sets of grandparents are coming down to visit. We are going to take them to a potential future home for our new little family. Both Steve and I are very excited about this and have been talking to Barret about how he wants to decorate his own room. Obviously, his answers are blank stares with an occasional outburst or gurgle. We know that he will love his room no matter what and we are excited about the prospect of having our own room again.

Today Barret is 7 weeks old!! He is getting so big and becoming quite the character!

7 week picture with Norman

Making faces with Daddy

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Barret is slowly increasing the amount of sleep he is getting at a time! We are so excited about this. Last night Barret slept for 4 hours, 1 hour, and then 3 hours! It was amazing being able to get that much sleep at one time :)

This morning Barret woke up at about 6:30, which is very normal and I fed him as usual and then laid him in bed between Steve and I. He started just kicking away and moving his arms and just squirming. It was very entertaining to watch. It looked as if he was trying to run a race and he wasn't in the lead because his legs would suddenly just speed up. They almost looked spring loaded. This went on for a little more than a half hour before we called it quits. I changed his diaper and got ready to take our shower. On Sundays Barret gets to take a shower with Daddy. He took his shower, got bundled up in his robe, Steve dressed him and sat him in his bumbo, and then Barret just fell asleep. It was so funny to watch his little head slowly droop to one side as his eyes closed and his breathing got deeper. He was so tired from such an active morning he just wiped out.

It was a great way to start the day! After church we planned to go for a walk, but it was too dreary out and Barret just did not want to get all bundled up.
So far Barret has taken to celebrating Sundays just like his mom and dad; attending church, having lunch and taking naps! What a wonderful day ;)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Noise, Noise, Noise

Barret is becoming very vocal and it is so exciting. He seems to have mastered the 'ah' sound and is slowling implementing the 'ga' sound. I can't wait for him to star laughing. I know it is going to be the most beautiful sound!

Aside from all his talking there is a lot of crying going on too. Barret seems to have his good days and his bad days, as do all babies, but his bad days seem far worse than most. All this crying, results in mommy and daddy being very exhausted. In order to keep him happy he has to be moving constantly, so I am for sure getting my exercise. He loves the moby, it keeps him close and is nice and warm, creating a happy place for him to just calm down and relax. Using the moby helps a great deal because I then have my hands free to do work around the house.

About two weeks ago we went to a class called Happiest Baby on the Block. We learned the 5 s's to making your baby feel safe and happy; swaddeling, shhsing (white noise), swinging, side/stomach laying, and sucking. These have been a lifesaver for us. Barret loves loud repetative noise and usually is instantly relaxed by it. He also loves to suck, for being advocates of not using a pacifier in the beginning, we have surely taken to it and have realized that as long as we are in control of the pacifier it shouldn't become a bad habit as he grows older.

Of course we are all still learning about each other and this continuous crying should soon subside and we will all be the Happiest Babies on the Block!

Time to play in the snow!

Barret's first snowman! Enjoying a little sunshine and snow

All ready to go outside!

Yesterday Steve and I finally took Barret out to play in the snow. The weather was warm enough that we didn't have to worry about him freezing. It took a little bit to get him bundled in his bear snow suit, which finally fits him! We took him outside and he seemed awfully excited at first. He sat in his bumbo just looking around and trying to figure out what exactly was going on. The sun was so bright, making the snow easy to move around and pick up. Steve tried to give Barret some snow to feel but he just wasn't having it. I built a snowman just the right size for him. I couldn't help but laugh becuase Barret was talking to the snowman just before he started to scream. I guess his love for the snow can't match my amount just yet. I just have to give him time to get used to it! I can't wait for next year, when he is walking and we can play in the snow.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Now that Steve finally showed me how to make a new post I can tell you all the things that have been happening in the past five weeks! Yay :)

Barret still has not slept through the night but last night he went a whole four hours before waking up! I was so excited when I looked at the clock. However, that wonderfulness did not last the rest of the night. But, it's a start on the right track.

The past few weeks Barret has been fighting whenever I try to feed him, and he wouldn't even take a bottle. We struggled with him and got so frustrated hearing him cry constantly throughout the day. It was very tyring and extremely sad to see him so uncomfortable and not be able to do anything for him. We talked with the doctor about it a couple times and finallly came to the conclusion that it must not be gas but acid reflux. He is now on Zantac and it seems as though it is helping quite a bit. He still has trouble every once in a while,but it is not nearly as bad as it has been. He is my happy little baby once again :)

Three weeks ago Barret took his first trip to see family. I was nervous about the three hour car ride but he did wonderfully. He slept almost the whole way. I was so proud of him and excited to see everyone meet him. Barret meet aunts and uncles and cousins and for only being two weeks old, he did a super job! Barret also stayed in his first hotel room that night. I was scared we would be kicked out because of all the crying he does at night, but luckily we were in an end room and no one seemed to hear him (or they did, and just didn't complain). The next morning we got up to go see Grandma and Grandpa Gaffney and meet the dogs! He seemed to not mind the dogs at all. Addison licked his hand and he didn't even move it. Barret seemed to enjoy the trip for the most part, even though it was a rough weekend. This weekend was the first time we called the doctor about his crying. On saturday he cried literally all day and got very little sleep. Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa's was a little better but you could tell he was not feeling well. We got Little Tummy's gas relief drops to give him after he ate, which made him burb everytime but he was still in pain. When we got home on Monday morning it seemed as though everything was fine. I think he knows his home and just didn't like being away.

Barret has done so many wonderful and adorable things in the past few weeks including pick up his pacidier, fall in love with his swing, sleep for a four hour period during the night, smile a lot, and even go outside in the snow.

I can't wait to see what he is going to do next

Barret has had so many visitors. Both sets of grandparents have come down multiple times, Aunt Chelsey lives in town and stops by to see him, and lots of mommy and daddy's friends have come to visit.
Yesterday Uncle Jason came down to see Barret. He is staying for a couple of days and even stayed home with Barret for a half hour last night all by himself. They survived!! haha