'tis the season for giving, as you all know, and Steve and I have been very grateful this season. We have truly been blessed by our family, friends, and even perfect strangers.
It all started last week, the day before Christmas Eve we went out to the grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends that we were missing from the kitchen. It was late and almost Barret's bedtime so he wasn't in the smiliest of moods, but cheery none the less. After we made our rounds through the store and ended at the check out we waited in line for what seemed like years. I was getting ready to complain and suggest that we switch check lanes and then an older woman came up behind us, where she immediately began talking with Steve and unloading her cart on the conveyor belt. She was extremely friendly and couldn't stop commenting on how cute Barret was. Asking us all about our Christmas, were we ready, was Santa coming, were we going to see family, etc.... Steve replied to the Santa question by saying that he was going to be bringing a lot of books this year and she stated that he might be bringing a lot more.
When it was finally our turn to check out, I handed the man my Kroger card and the woman said, just add their groceries to my bill, and they can leave with their things. It was one of those awkward moments that we weren't sure what to say other than "Thank you very much" and didn't know what to do.
Last month our small group topic was about giving and receiving graciously. So we just accepted it. It was truly a wonderful gift and so gracious of her. As Steve and I piled everything into the car we just kind of looked at each other in silence. I finally said, "well, she told us Santa might come and bring more...." with a smirk, because clearly God shows up in all places, all sizes, and all people. Thank you to that woman for purchasing our groceries, we were truly blessed.
After receiving free groceries, I just kept thinking, well nothing can top that... until Sunday. At church on Sunday we received an anonymous envelope with no explanation other than Merry Christmas and God Bless. So to whoever you are we are grateful for you and the love that you have poured out on us. Your gift, your love, and your amazing love for others and commitment to following what the Lord has asked of you is overabundant and we are very thankful for that.
There are so many things to be thankful for and Steve and I could not be more grateful for all of the people in our lives.
Welcome! Join us as we capture the moments of our little family. We are so in love with our TWO little men and love the daily entertainment they provide! Our boys have been such a blessing in our lives and we are excited for the adventures ahead!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas 2010!!!
Well, it is officially Christmas and Barret has made out very well! Books, puzzles, toothbrushes, toys, and wrapping paper are strewn across the living room floor and are slowly making their way throughout the house. The kitchen table is covered with the remains of what was a delicious Christmas breakfast and we are thoroughly enjoying our wonderful Christmas as a family of three!
I loved watching Barret engage with us as he opened his presents and carefully handed someone the wrapping paper. I loved watching him grab at the presents under the tree or from our hands and look at it with wonder and trying to figure out just what in the world we were doing. I loved his excitement for the day, even though he really had no clue what the day really was and that it was special not because of the presents, but because it was Christmas and we were all together, relaxing and enjoying each others presence. I LOVED IT!

Needless to say, with an early riser on our hands all of this was done by 8:30am so we skyped Grandma Boehm and Uncle Jason to wish them a Merry Christmas! Barret thinks skyping is the weirdest thing, I'm sure. People talking to him that he knows, and knows they love him, but he can't touch them. And then there is the computer mouse that he so intently plays with and pushes the buttons, making the screen pop in and out and hitting the mute button, making our video disappear, and making all sorts of weird screens pop up. We just go with it....
after a looonnngg chat with the Boehms and a phone call with the Gaffney's Daddy decided we should go up and hang out in Bradford for the day. So we quickly packed ourselves up, got Barret in the car and headed up to see the Boehm's. It was a surprise for all of us and was thoroughly enjoyed. 
Barret napped on the way up while Mama and Daddy enjoyed the Christmas music and the beautiful landscapes covered in snow. When we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's we grabbed all of our things and knocked on the door. Uncle Jason opened it with a very confused face. Grandma was excited and everyone was happy :) On this visit Barret found Scooters water bowl and was very insistent that everything needed to be dipped in the water, making for very wet hands and feet. The day consisted of games, food, comfort, and an excursion in the snow. We made quite the original snowman in the front yard for Barret, that I might say looked just like Frosty! He had the summer sausage eyes, a celery nose, and M&M mouth, he was truly a sight to see.
As we fended off Scooter to make the face last more than just a few minutes, we watched as Barret sat and enjoyed his first icicle. The boy likes everything! When Uncle Jason took the icicle to make an arm for our snowman Barret was so upset he cried... What can I say, not only do we have a summer water baby, but we have a winter snow boy too :)
We came inside to warm up and take a nap, which for Barret, was a nice and short 45 minutes....NOT long enough for anyone!!! But he was happy as could be and more talkative than ever. We got ready for dinner and then Grandpa got home from work, where we surprised him as well :)
All in all, it was the greatest First Christmas ever. Relaxing and with nothing to worry about!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
Here are a few pictures from our Christmas eve too!
We had a relaxing day filled with playing in the snow, having Italian beef for dinner, and heading to church. We finished the day off with opening up our PJ's from Grandma and Grandpa Gaffney and heading to bed. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Only 3 days away!
In case you didn't know, Christmas is only three days away! I am so excited to spend our first Christmas as a three instead of a two. Barret is loving all of the presents that are piled under the tree, and has really done a great job leaving them alone.
On Sunday we went up to Grandma and Grandpa Boehm's house and celebrated Christmas with them. It was a lot of fun! Barret made out with some sweat gifts and he LOVES them. Uncle Jason even got him a pair of Air Jordan's, that he wears everywhere.
Mama and Daddy are both now officially on Christmas Vacation so we are soaking in all of the Christmas. Tomorrow we are planning to play in the snow and possibly build a snowman :) I can't wait. We also have to put together our Gingerbread house, that is actually a train this year, and finish wrapping up the presents.
Here are a few pictures to wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Winter is wonderful
Barret has officially slept through the night without waking up 4 times in the past week!!!! YAY!!! This sleeping is just confirming Mama and Daddy's ever wondering of getting a full nights sleep really is true, and there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Barret is also becoming quite the eater, he loves to feed himself, which makes it a bit more difficult since he doesn't have the whole spoon thing down, but he loves pasta, tuna mac, bananas, oranges, and any bread substance. He really does do a great job feeding himself meals, and the past few nights dinners have consisted of NO baby food! He is getting so BIG!
I think the whole eating thing has come together better since he now has more than two teeth, his fifth tooth is working its way in on the top, and he is getting such a funny smile with those cute little pearly whites. I love it.
For Mama's birthday we ventured out in the cold to buy our Christmas tree! We weren't sure just how Barret would react to it, but it turns out, he LOVES it. At the shop he was a little timid when it came to touching the tree, but once we got it home, he couldn't stay away. He would stand there and laugh at it, like it was telling some sort of joke or something, and then run away. The next morning, when it was completely decorated, Barret went straight for it, taking off the jingle bells from the bottom of the tree and running around the living room just shaking them and making silly noises. He loves the tree, and is doing better about whacking it with his toys, or trying to take off other ornaments. One day last week I came home with a couple presents, already wrapped, and place them on the floor. He immediately went for the bag and pulled out the tissue paper, displaying a pretty neat present for the little guy, and tried to pull out what was inside. We now know that he will have no problem opening his presents on Christmas morning (as long as they are in bags).
Barret has officially been exposed to all things Christmas, with the abundance of Christmas cookies we have in our house, the snow, the lights, the tree, the music playing in the back ground all day long, and the warm snuggles before bed.
This weekend we hope to go sledding or even build a snowman! I can't wait.
This past Tuesday Uncle Jason came home from Florida! It was the first time we got to see him, other than on skype, since August, so we were very excited for him to come home. We went to Peoria and met him at the airport, then got to go out to dinner with the family! It was so great to see him!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
Thursday night Daddy hung the lights on our tree outside. We took Barret out to see them and he didn't seem too interested. You know how he was completely in LOVE with the pumpkins and just couldn't seem to get enough of them?! Not so much with the Christmas lights, I think he was more confused than anything.
Last night we had our first 'official' snow and now the streets, trees, and cars are covered. It is beautiful!
Daddy took Barret out this morning to buy a shovel and look for snow pants and boots for the little guy, but only came home with a shovel. Seems the rest of Bloomington got out before us to snatch them all up! Good thing we have boxes and boxes of clothes that people have so generously given us. So as we scrounged through them to look for that snowsuit Mama knew we had, we stumbled upon a pair of snow boots Mama forgot she bought at a garage sale. The snowsuit and boots are both a bit big!
Barret is very curious about the snow and loves to look out the window. I just know he is wondering what happened to all the colors outside...why is everything white?
And speaking of white, look what Mama and Daddy made while Barret took his nap this morning!
These are possibly one of Mama's all time favorite things to make. More Christmas cookies to come next weekend though, these were just a taste, something to tide me over until the real baking can begin!
These are possibly one of Mama's all time favorite things to make. More Christmas cookies to come next weekend though, these were just a taste, something to tide me over until the real baking can begin!
According to the checkout lady at the store, we are supposed to get up to 8 inches of snow this weekend! How exciting :) And you know what? It's still snowing!
Daddy shoveled a little while we were out and Barret just loved following him around. He was so funny just teetering and tottering all puffy like in his snowsuit and too big boots. Mama held his hand the whole time to make sure he didn't slip and fall.
Barret even got to make his first snow angel, which turned out absolutely perfect, if I might say.
After about forty-five minutes in the snow we came in to get snuggly and warm. Barret enjoyed his first hot cocoa experience thanks to Daddy. Needless to say there was no leaving that sippy cup behind, he gulped it down in minutes and was ready to dive into Mama's mug.
I loved his rosy cheeks and his cute little red button nose. He was the cutest little snowsuit monster I ever did see!
We spent the rest of the afternoon just playing around and enjoying the Christmas season. The room filled with Christmas music and we gazed out the windows at the huge snowflakes falling from the clouds.
The day ended with pipping hot grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Then it was off to bed, where Barret snuggled up in his fuzzy jammies and elephant blanket and just looked so cuddly and cute in his crib.
Mama and Daddy ended the day enjoying the company of Paul and Yvonne, playing games and watching 'Elf'.
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!
Enjoy your snowy day tomorrow! Grandma and Grandpa Boehm are coming down tomorrow to celebrate Mama's birthday!
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