Our Little Man has gone through a lot of growing up this month. We've watched him grow into such an independent young man, and it makes me sad at the exact moment it makes me smile for joy in that we are raising a fine young man. I was recently speaking with a mom of a friend who is about 15 months older than her sister too. The mom told me she loved having the girls so close but she has always felt that it made her first daughter have to grow up quickly. Mommy was now busy with another baby and the first born was no longer the primary focus in Mommy's life. While this is okay and is something that almost every first born has to go through at some point in their life, it is harder when the first born is so young. I don't really remember what it was like when my baby brother was born, aside from a few pictures and what I've been told. But being a few months shy of the big three, I can imagine I had a much larger grasp on what a new baby meant, than what my 15 month old baby Barret had when Levi came and rocked his world. I have been so surprised and often times find myself just in awe of how well Barret has taken to not being Mommy's only baby. He has been so loving and so gentle with Levi (for the most part) and I couldn't be more thankful.
With all of this, Our Little man is now 18 months (almost 19 months) and has done quite a lot of growing up this month.
Our bath time has always been fun, but Barret has always been hesitant of Levi sharing that time with him. We now splish and splash around as a whole family. Levi love to splash and kick in the water now and I couldn't be happier. He has become very accustom to going to the pool with us and no longer cries the entire time we are there. Back to the tub though, when Levi kicks, Barret flails his legs. When Levi smiles, Barret gets down on his belly and talks to him. When Levi smiles bigger and laughs, Barret goes crazy in the water. It is so fun
Barret has started eating more sophisticated adult foods like popcorn. Mommy and Daddy love popcorn and only make it at night after Barret goes to bed. Very seldom do we not finish what we made, but sometimes there is a little left over the next morning, and when there is we eat it for a snack in the afternoon. The past two weeks or so Barret will wake up and request 'quencun,' which of course makes us happy he is such a popcorn lover. He even knows right where to find the air popper and any bowl he sees that we have eaten popcorn out of, he instantly assumes that it has popcorn in it (and if it doesn't we must make some immediately).
Our little pacifier snatcher has taken a break from snatching and instead gives them to their rightful owners (sometimes he likes to get his fix, but lately he's done very well). As you know, I watch another baby during the week who is just about a month and a half older than our little Levi. Needless to say there are a lot of pacifiers laying around the house. Barret has become a great helper with the two babies. When they cry and I don't get to them quick enough, Barret will pat their belly and ramble something off, which I am sure he is just saying 'It's okay baby , stop crying.' He always want to help feed Caroline her bottle and he is so close to doing it right.
Our swimmer has become a little fish. Days at the pool are so fun. Barret jumps off the edge with no fear and can barley wait for someone to get in first to catch him. He goes down the slide head first (which is against the rules) after he takes the walk up the ramp, past all the flowers, and around the corner to reach the top of the slide. He flashes his big old 'you can't get enough of me' smile and heads down the slide, all on his own. He so badly want to go off the diving board and down the big slides. Next year, we tell him, even though Mama really doesn't think he will be big enough and I don't want my baby boy growing up any faster than he needs to.
We have also come to realize that the big black screen we call the TV actually serves as some sort of entertainment. Barret loves 'Yo Gabba Gabba', and as annoying as it is, it is pretty fun to watch. He has learned the words, watch and gabba, and knows that when said together he usually gets to wiggle to his hearts desire while the characters of 'gabba' get their grove on. Of course I enjoy wiggling too and I'm positive that Levi thinks we are crazy. And then when it is over Barret utters the word uh-oh and points to the screen in search for the remote to hand to Mommy. See, I have always made sure the TV was pretty much off until the babies were in bed to ensure that Steve and I could engage with our kiddos. I have always felt that there are so many other wonderful things to do and that I didn't want to be a mom who just lets the TV stay on and didn't show my kids all of the other fun things we could do instead. The past few weeks, I have realized that sometimes you just need a break and a half our in the morning and in the afternoon isn't going to make or break my kid. So when, 'Gabba' is over and the words 'uh-oh watch gabba' come out of Barret's mouth I have a decision to make. I most always say no, but when the screaming or crying starts and 'gabba, gabba," and the pouty lip ensues, the 'I don't care, just make my baby happy' mom in me wants to let him watch all day. But the 'I don't want my kid to be a zombie and TV is just not a good thing' mom says lets go find something more exciting and more fun to do.
Just this week Barret has decided to potty train himself. On Thursday Barret told me he had to 'boop', since then he tells us every time and knows to go into the bathroom and pull down his shorts. He hasn't gone on the potty yet, but it will come. He clearly knows when he has to go so it won't be long now, I think. Friday morning we were eating breakfast and Barret said 'boop' so I took him into the bathroom and he knew just what to do. He tried so hard to take off his shorts and his diaper and climb onto the potty. I sat him on it and I wished I had my camera at that moment. He flashed this shy smile, he was so proud and it was so cool that he was sitting on the potty. My heart just melted. You could tell he didn't want me to see him smile, but I did, and I'm glad I did!
Saturday night Barret slept in his new big boy bed. It's a twin, talk about too much space. I'm sure he is intimidated by the thing. He loved watching us get it all put together and change the crib back to a crib for little Levi. He enjoyed jumping on the bed and thought it was so fun that we could all lay on the bed together. We knew it would be a hard transition when we put him down for bed and it was. He screamed as soon as Daddy laid him down, so he laid there with him for a while. Of course as soon as we closed the door the screaming started again. But after about a half hour he was done.
I would have to say when we were expecting Barret, I never imagined that he would be doing all of this before he was 2. But with Little Levi here, things are different than we imagined them to be. I would agree with my friend's mom. Our little man is growing up faster than he should have to. It's exciting and scary all at once. My Baby Boy is taking big steps and it just seems all too soon. Even though our Levi has helped bring these steps faster, he has also made us take a step backwards. We slow down a bit, we enjoy every minute more, we take more time to just cuddle, and we look even more forward to every adventure. I couldn't love my boys any more and I look forward to seeing both of them take many more big steps.
Welcome! Join us as we capture the moments of our little family. We are so in love with our TWO little men and love the daily entertainment they provide! Our boys have been such a blessing in our lives and we are excited for the adventures ahead!

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Hair Loss
So if you have ever been a pregnant Mama you know that after you have your baby and your hormones keep changing your hair that was once so thick and shiny starts to fall out in clumps (not to sound disgusting or anything). But really, it is pretty gross. It drives me nuts when I take a shower and after rinsing the shampoo out my hand is covered in hair and then by the time I am done showering the drain is clogged. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad my hair won't be so thick and full anymore, but it just makes me so frustrated, and I absolutely despise the feeling of hair on my hands. If you anyone knows of a way to make it stop quicker, please let me know.
However, while I am loosing my hair, we decided to give Wrigley a nice hair cut as well. Seeing as it is so stinking hot these days and Wrigley really has quite the thick coat of hair, we thought we'd help her out a little by relieving some of the heat from her body. Using Daddy's clippers we gave her a hair cut. Poor dog.

Next on the list to loose some hair... Barret. His wispy curls and flyaway hairs are longer than 6 inches when wet and combed straight. YIKES! But this Mama loves her little fellas long curlyish hair despite the length. Don't worry, we won't let Daddy near him with the clippers.
However, while I am loosing my hair, we decided to give Wrigley a nice hair cut as well. Seeing as it is so stinking hot these days and Wrigley really has quite the thick coat of hair, we thought we'd help her out a little by relieving some of the heat from her body. Using Daddy's clippers we gave her a hair cut. Poor dog.
The pictures don't really do much justice for her horrible hair cut
Next on the list to loose some hair... Barret. His wispy curls and flyaway hairs are longer than 6 inches when wet and combed straight. YIKES! But this Mama loves her little fellas long curlyish hair despite the length. Don't worry, we won't let Daddy near him with the clippers.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!
But really, this thing is awesome and Barret spent most of Saturday morning playing in it while Daddy did a little landscaping and Mama and Levi went to the farmer's market.
Later in the day we headed to the pool to spend some time with all the other crazy people spending their boiling hot day outside.
Daddy made the comment, that you know it is really hot out when the kiddie area is flooded with beached whales instead of kids. Of course I laughed :) The pool was hot, and the water was warm and Levi actually enjoyed his dip in the pool.
I'm pretty sure I heard that the heat index was like 107, but I don't really remember what I heard. Either way, it was crazy hot and we were insane to be outside as much as we were.
Levi also turned 13 weeks on Saturday!
He is getting so big and so active. He has started to really be a mover and loves to kick his legs and flail his arms. He is a smiler and a cooer and I love it. Barret is even getting a little more interested in Levi and will try to get him to smile by getting in Levi's face and smiling at him. It is really cute. Barret also loves it when the two of them take baths together. He is so gentle at pouring the water on our Little Levi's tummy, yes of course, we have the occasional dump on the face, but Levi is only startled for about a minute and then we are all over it and have moved on to bigger and better things. Like spelling our names with the foam letters on the bath tub wall. Of course we only have one letter R so we substitute with a letter P. And we are missing the letter I so we substitute with the number 1. We like to make things work. At least for now Barret doesn't know the difference, and until he does we will continue to make silly substitutions to save a few bucks :)
One of my favorite things about the 4th is enjoying a barbecue with friends. We had a get together with some of our favorites and I really enjoyed all the time we spent talking about our good ol college days (even though they weren't that long ago). It was so fun to hang out with everyone because we just don't do it that often anymore. Our schedules are all so different and our lives are all so hectic it is just hard to get together. Barret and Levi of course were the life of the Party. Barret made sure everyone had a good time and even served as most of our entertainment, doing a few dance numbers and showing us his toys.
I couldn't believe how late we all stayed up lol. Nobody left our house until 9:30, after we played three rounds of Mafia and Paul did a lovely job narrating the game based on the book We're Going on a Bear Hunt, and sitting in the rocking chair. Let me tell you, little Lucy Meuth is going to have one heck of a story telling daddy on her hands.
One of my favorite preparations for our shindig was making these totally wicked cupcakes lol. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of them. But I can assure you, they were delicious and I will take pictures of all cupcakes made from here on out.
Monday brought us to the actual 4th of July and we celebrated by taking the boys to their first ever parade.
It was a small town parade and I would have to say that it was mostly made up of tractors, who didn't throw out candy. If I had been counting I would probably say there were about 47 of them, I really hope not though.
As the parade started with a bang, candy flying through the air, we immediately showed Barret how to pick up the candy and that it was okay to take it. After his first ever candy from a parade (a wonderful Tootsie Roll) was eaten in a matter of minutes, he was all over it. We had oodles of candy that Barret himself was picking up and towards the end we had to stop him from snatching the candy in front of the kids next to us. He literally is a professional candy snatcher :)
The flea market opened up after the parade and Mama and Daddy got new sunglasses for only $10!!!
We headed home to take a break from the heat and have some lunch. Later in the afternoon we went to the pool to enjoy some wonderful holiday activities with the other kiddos.
Barret enjoyed his first snow cone at the pool and was more interested in going around collecting all of the Holiday beach balls than he was swimming in the pool. At one point I am pretty sure he was juggling three while also carrying his watering can. He was a cute kid I'll tell you that!
Levi even enjoyed a dip in the water, but not nearly as much as he did on Saturday when the water was close to a boil.
That night we went to another Barbecue where Barret shook his groove thang
and had a great time entertaining us and then we were lucky enough to know friends who got us to the top of Watterson dorms so we could watch all the fireworks for miles.
It was wonderful.
The only thing missing from the weekend... Sparklers (we had them, just never used them)
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