Thursday, April 8, 2010

3 months

Barret is quite the happy 3 mmonth old. His new thing is licking everything he can get his tongue on. His favorite thing to lick so far is hi blue and yellow crinkly elephant. Yesterday he licked every inch of that thing leaving no dry spots to be found. He is a smiley, giggly, little guy and we are continously entertained by him.

Here I am 13 weeks old!!!! Yay for 3 months!

Relaxing and Licking my elephant

In celebration of Barret being 3 months old we Watched the Cubs game and mom found out just how many licks it really does take to get to the center of o tootsie pop! 298 licks in 10 minutes if you were wondering. We also made brats on the grill and tried to introduce a few other toys fo him to lick...of course he seems to enjoy them all. Happy 3 months old Barret!!!
Since we don't go to the doctor this month Steve and I made guesses as to how much we think he weighs and what his height is.
Steve: 14 lbs 8 oz
Laura: 13lbs 4 oz
(we don't own a scale so we will never actually know how much he weighs this month :))
Steve: 25 1/4 inches
Laura: 24 3/4 inches
Actual Height: 26 inches
(this measurement was taken using our measuring tape and is most likely not extremely accurate, however, Barret did hold very still for us while we did this)

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