Barret has successfully painted his first ever pumpkin and his Halloween costume is finally completed, thanks to our good friend Yvonne and all of her sewing talents :)
As much as I have never really liked or enjoyed Halloween, I'm looking forward to Barret's first. I can't wait to put him in his costume and hand out candy! I can't wait to carve our pumpkin....We've had this on the schedule for like a week and things just keep getting in the way...I can't wait to see our TWO pumpkins out on the front porch!
Fall has brought on many new changes to our family and most of which are hilarious. Barret enjoys drinking the water in the tub, and tonight he learned just how to turn the faucet on, and let me tell you, he LOVES to turn it on and off! I'm pretty sure the water was at least up to his elbows by the time he was finished.
Barret is also learning to eat more table food since he is completely appalled by his jarred foods. Tonight we had lasagna, about 1/3 or a banana, and some chips Barret found on the coffee table, where he decided to help himself to a few leaving his mouth a beautiful orange color (there was no hiding what he had eaten).
Daddy is in the chili mood, and is making his first batch this evening. The smell in the house is absolutely delicious. Being a pretty avid "No thanks, I'll pass" to chili fan, I must say this could possibly be something I end up taste testing. I'll let you know when I see the finished product :)
Tomorrow night brings the annual Wednesday night small group chili cook-off. Last year Steve took 3rd and was pretty proud...this year he plans to win it all!! All being, a great pat on the back and a lot of people eating his chili :)
And look who is making his way into the walking world.... He is just loving this dinosaur friend and dances and giggles his way through the house. That is until he runs into something and we have to help him change directions.
Barret has also learned that he is "SO BIG" and will show us just how big he is :) Waving bye-bye is still coming along. He does it but it isn't really consistent yet.
Oh, I almost forgot.... Look who has graduated into his big boy car seat! He is loving it now that he is used to it. He looks so big!
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