So today was the last day of spring break. As we were making the most of it, I was in the middle of really not feeling well. As you know we have been passing around a bug in our house the past month and apparently I just keep holding on to it....
After first service I went to pick up Barret from Kids Church, and while I was in the toddler room I decided to just stay and sit for a little bit. I really was feeling nauseous and didn't really want to move but I knew I couldn't sit there forever. All of a sudden I had this horrible urge and I started to walk hastily to the bathroom. Unfortunately I didn't make it and threw up right where all of the kids get checked in and out! Lucky for me know parents were there at the moment, just some of the kids workers. I made it to the bathroom where I noticed I felt really wet. Chelsey Wantland came into the bathroom to check on me and I asked her if when your water breaks you have contractions right away. She said that she didn't have them until she got to the hospital and also mentioned that she has heard of people throwing up right before their water broke. Well, not knowing exactly how my body goes into labor on its own since we induced with Barret, we concluded that I was probably going into labor. She went to get Steve and we eventually made it to the hospital. It was a very weird feeling, and we both thought that we were going to be coming home with a baby this week!
We get to the hospital and check in, I change into the beautiful gown that Bromenn offers, sit patiently as they hook me up to the computer, answer all of the silly questions they already have the answers to (in like a million different files), tell them I'm not sure if my water really broke over and over again while they continued to confirm that, yes indeed it did because the wheelchair was wet, and then wait.
Steve and I just sat in the delivery room looking at each other, we hadn't packed, we hadn't prepared anything, neither of us had our phones on us, the baby's crib wasn't set up yet, we didn't have anything, we weren't ready....
The nurse came in again to check and see if my water did break; we concluded that I must have just gone to the bathroom while I was throwing up! Delightful! I was a bit embarrassed since she knew we had a little one already, and I thought of all the people at church who thought I was going into labor...Now my story of having my water break at church and being prayed for before we left the hospital to go have a baby wasn't so Cinderella-y. Instead, I will forever be known as: "the girl who threw up at church!" Wonderful :)
But, we got to come home. We drove back to church after being dismissed and picked up Barret, came home and had lunch, and just relaxed around the house. When Barret woke up from his nap we went for a walk to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and then grilled a marvelous dinner, pork chops, mashed potatoes, and delicious apples! We gave Barret a bath and then Mama packed her bag for the hospital, we set up the pack-n-play, and we realized that Baby is coming very soon.
So ladies and gents, according to my doctor and the nurse at the hospital it could be anytime now :)
Here are a few photos of Barret pounding an apple after we got back from the store. We took the wagon and so he was nestled in with the groceries on the way home. At first sight of the apple, it was LOVE! He immediately knew what to do and began eating :)