Today is Levi's one year in the world Birthday!
This week seems like it flew by and I am just reminded of how precious each and every moment spent with my wonderful little men is.
Levi has graced us with his presence and we are so in love with him. Barret is taken by him and just wants to love him more and more each day. We have been blessed with a loving big brother and a sweet little brother in our lives and couldn't be more happy about it.
Levi is so different from Barret. Levi sleeps a ton, and his eating habits have finally, just today, become so Mama doesn't have to pump every five minutes. The few occasions when his eyes are open he is so taken with the people around him and he loves to just look. His big beautiful blue eyes are just like his Daddy and his brothers and I just can't get enough of them.
I love the way he wiggles and his little noises are adorable.
His cheeks are so pudgy and his little nose is so kissable.
This week we got to spend a lot of time with Grandma Gaffney, who was staying to help Mama and Daddy out with the new adjustments. It was so wonderful having her here and Barret woke up this morning a little broken hearted. He ran into the guest room, threw up his hands, and gave a worried look to Daddy. It was so sweet. Grandma and Barret had great fun going to the park, helping clean up the house, playing tickle monster, running errands, and loving on baby Levi.
I really enjoyed having Grandma here too, and this morning I missed having her around, but instead I got to spend the day with my three wonderful boys who I love so much.
Below are some pictures of Levi on his first week birthday :) He is such a little stud.
Like I mentioned before, Levi is a great sleeper. So far waking up in the middle of the night hasn't been to terrible. One night he only got up once; which was great, but on average he is only up about 2 or 3 times a night. His feedings are usually longer because he has a hard time figuring it all out still. But, once he gets it, we are good to go. Levi likes to sleep in, which I love and wish that Barret would start to love sleeping in :)
So far this week Levi is only really awake a couple hours the whole day, and if you remember anything about Barret, he was not a sleeper.
Today however, Levi showed us his big beautiful blue eyes for almost 5 hours throughout the entire day! I loved watching him wiggle and stare at his brother like he was crazy.
This week brought many visitors for our new little man as well. He met his Great Grandparents Mattix and Tete Kelly, as well has his Great Grandparents Ingram. We have also been blessed with so many people bringing us meals and Barret has LOVED seeing some of the people he loves bring him meals.
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