Welcome! Join us as we capture the moments of our little family. We are so in love with our TWO little men and love the daily entertainment they provide! Our boys have been such a blessing in our lives and we are excited for the adventures ahead!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The season for giving
It all started last week, the day before Christmas Eve we went out to the grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends that we were missing from the kitchen. It was late and almost Barret's bedtime so he wasn't in the smiliest of moods, but cheery none the less. After we made our rounds through the store and ended at the check out we waited in line for what seemed like years. I was getting ready to complain and suggest that we switch check lanes and then an older woman came up behind us, where she immediately began talking with Steve and unloading her cart on the conveyor belt. She was extremely friendly and couldn't stop commenting on how cute Barret was. Asking us all about our Christmas, were we ready, was Santa coming, were we going to see family, etc.... Steve replied to the Santa question by saying that he was going to be bringing a lot of books this year and she stated that he might be bringing a lot more.
When it was finally our turn to check out, I handed the man my Kroger card and the woman said, just add their groceries to my bill, and they can leave with their things. It was one of those awkward moments that we weren't sure what to say other than "Thank you very much" and didn't know what to do.
Last month our small group topic was about giving and receiving graciously. So we just accepted it. It was truly a wonderful gift and so gracious of her. As Steve and I piled everything into the car we just kind of looked at each other in silence. I finally said, "well, she told us Santa might come and bring more...." with a smirk, because clearly God shows up in all places, all sizes, and all people. Thank you to that woman for purchasing our groceries, we were truly blessed.
After receiving free groceries, I just kept thinking, well nothing can top that... until Sunday. At church on Sunday we received an anonymous envelope with no explanation other than Merry Christmas and God Bless. So to whoever you are we are grateful for you and the love that you have poured out on us. Your gift, your love, and your amazing love for others and commitment to following what the Lord has asked of you is overabundant and we are very thankful for that.
There are so many things to be thankful for and Steve and I could not be more grateful for all of the people in our lives.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas 2010!!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Only 3 days away!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Winter is wonderful
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
These are possibly one of Mama's all time favorite things to make. More Christmas cookies to come next weekend though, these were just a taste, something to tide me over until the real baking can begin!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
He was stuffed to the core and just had such a great time with family.
We spent Thanksgiving day at Aunt B's with the rest of the Votaw clan. Uncle Paul and Aunt Marcia were there, even Trent and Baylee came for the festivities. Aunt B, Uncle David, David, and Sam of course were excellent hosts and did a phenomenal job making Barret's first Thanksgiving so much fun! Of course Grandma and Grandpa Boehm were there and Great Grandma Votaw too. Barret received so much love on Thanksgiving, I'm sure he was truly thankful to be a part of our family :)
Friday we spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa Gaffneys where we enjoyed leftovers and the boys watched endless hours of football. Mama and Tete Chelsey got up crazy early and went shopping! Of course, Mama couldn't hold out of all of the presents she got for Barret, so he now has a 140 piece mega blocks box set that he loves to play with! Grandma had to work on Friday too, so we didn't get to see her until later. Don't worry though, Barret received lots and lots of Grandma love.
Thanksgiving also brought on Barret's first real booboo. While taking a bath at Aunt B's he slipped and scraped his underarm on the shower door stopper, leaving him with quite the cut. There were many tears, and Mama didn't even notice the cut until after he was all dried and diapered. Not too much blood was shed, and he managed to survive Aunt Marcia's booboo treatment.
Saturday and Sunday we spent at home relaxing and just enjoying our time together. Barret has surprised us with another bottom tooth too, making him not so much the happy camper we would prefer, but we love him all the same.
Pictures will be up soon!
Tomorrow brings the first day of December. Do you know what that means? SNOW! CHRISTMAS! COOKIES! MAMA'S BIRTHDAY! SNOWMEN! SLEDDING! TREES! DECORATIONS!
Happy last day of November :)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Baby Gaffney

On the left you can see he has big feet just like Barret, and on the right he is staring at us.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monkey Do
Since Wednesday this week, we haven't seen much crawling from our little man, and it makes mama a little sad. But, we are so excited for this new milestone of his and love to see him growing and changing.
Tonight he actually climbed up into the dishwasher!!! Such a strong and courageous little guy he is. So so funny Mr. Barret is, and he keeps us on our toes.
I will be posting a video soon of the little guy and his moves, so be on the look out.
We find out if Baby Gaffney is a little brother or sister on Friday!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Halloween has come and gone
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Officially Fall

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Barret seems to be having a complete aversion to all things green, orange, and just plain veggie like. It doesn't seem to matter whether we mask it in oatmeal, hide it in applesauce, or give him the real deal... He knows what it is and he is not going to give in. I'd like to take the credit for my little man's behavior and attitude towards the little green and orange monsters, however, not eating veggies is truly NOT a good thing and is not something I broadcast willy-nilly.
Yuck to boogies....
Barret has been battling a cold the past week or two with a majorly runny nose that Mama is constantly wiping, creating a bit of a rough patch under there that may or may not have bled a couple of times. He is constantly sneezing and has stayed home from the sitters all but 4 days in the past two weeks. His sneezes remind me of an explosion in the microwave when the lid pops off the top of a Tupperware container and the contents just go bursting out, creating an all too sticky and icky mess. I'd like to say it is funny when the sneezes come so big out of such a little body and I think that there couldn't possibly be anything left in that cute button nose of his...but I am always wrong, and the next sneeze is possibly worse than the one before.
Yuck to messy diapers....
Barret seems to think it is funny to fill his diapers to the brim and then more. The past three days we have had to strip him of his clothes and quickly rush him into the shower in order to clean his messy body up. His clothes are stained with poop and it is altogether disgusting and has graced the bathroom floor a few too many times this week. We have gone through hundreds of wipes trying to clean it up, followed by gallons of water in the shower and sink (to soak his clothes BEFORE washing them), as well as far to many towels that have landed on the poopy diaper or bathroom floor. Needless to say, in all of the commotion Barret finds it absolutely hilarious and then begins to scream when we get the process of cleaning going.
Yuck to the flu....
Mama is convinced she has the flu bug and stayed home from work today. We sent Barret to the sitters though in hopes that Mama would be able to rest a bit more. Being pregnant and getting sick is certainly not ideal and hasn't made the diagnosis easy. But, you can feel the difference between pregnancy sickness and actual sickness sickness. Talking with the doctor today we came up with the conclusion that it is simply the 24 hour bug, meaning it should have already left me at this point, and I can not take any meds except for a de-nausea pill.. Yippee! Another pill I have to try and choke down, hopefully not making me sick.
Yuck to the weird weather.....
We Gaffney's are all for the fall weather, but are not enjoying the freezing mornings followed by the hot afternoons. Fall needs to just come and be here....none of this going over 75 degrees.
On a lighter side, this past weekend Barret graduated from his carrier car seat to a big boy car seat (still rear facing). We are all getting used to it, but He looks so much more comfortable in it than the old one. His legs are so long it was beginning to get a little squished back there.
Grandma and Grandpa Gaffney are coming down for the weekend and we can't wait to see them!
We also got to talk to Uncle Jason on Sunday and he seems to be doing great! We miss him and can't wait for him to come home!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Fall is Here!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
It has been awhile.....
Over labor day we took a very spontaneous trip to the St Louis Zoo and arch. Barret LOVED the elephants, which we thought was so suiting, considering elephants are the only animals that we really have in our home. He was very intrigued by the fish in the hippos tank and he thought it was the best time to start drinking from a straw. Barret just snatched the straw right from our pink lemonade and started chugging. It was the funniest thing, and he knew he was just so cute :)
Barret now says 'mamama' to go along with all the 'dadadada' he is constantly saying. Unfortunately those 'mama's' don't come out very often, but when they do, they are such sweet noises and I love them.
We are also finally getting back into the swing of being at the babysitters and although both Barret and Mama would rather be at home together, we know that right now this is just how it is supposed to be. When we are home and it is just the two of us we LOVE to nap together on the big bed, sing and dance to the radio, and have crawl races down the hallway. Our favorite part of the day is when daddy gets home from work and we rush to the top of the stairs with great big, giant smiles and love on him so much with kisses through the baby gate!
Tomorrow Daddy starts his new job at Darnell. We are so excited and can't wait. We celebrated his last day at the bank on Friday with dinner out to Cosi and a nice trip to Kroger for groceries :)
From now on Daddy will get home at 4:30 and possibly even 3:30 everyday and we will get to see him and spend so much more time with him! We can't wait!!!!!
The only thing Mama doesn't like is that now Barret has to go to the babysitters at 6:45am instead of 9:30. We are hoping that this early morning will get him back on his regular schedule with meals and naps again because we have been way off since mama went back to work.
I think that is all for now. Hopefully it's not thanksgiving before I post again.
Oh ya, I am currently concocting an idea to make Barret a Halloween costume....In my head it is super cute, but you will see pictures of the real live thing come Halloween time and I'm sure it will not be nearly as cute as I am hoping for.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A Tiskit, A Taskit, A Pearly White Tooth!!!!!
Daddy got a new job and he starts on September 23. We couldn't be more excited because now he gets to come home as early as 3:30 and never has to work on Saturdays! YAY!!
Barret is also finally cutting a tooth! He is the crabbiest ever and doesn't sleep and is just so unhappy. I feel for him and I can't wait to see that pearly white tooth all the way in!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Goodbye Sleep
I often wonder what happened. What was so special about turning six months that he decided he was no longer going to sleep soundly through the night. What happened at six months that he suddenly felt like mama and daddy weren't going to keep hims safe. What happened at six months that we are no longer aloud to get a full nights rest?
To make matters worse, Barret loves to wake up with the sun. And when I say sun, I really do mean it. 5:00am comes all too soon, when you are up through the night with a crying baby and you just want to lay your head on the pillow and not hear screaming and not feel like you are doing the wrong thing and not feel like your son doesn't think you love him. 5:00 am comes bright and early, and with that so does a bouncy baby boy who doesn't seem to be affected by the little amount of sleep he acquired the night before and is excited and ready to start the day. That little bouncing baby boy will let you know what he thinks of you trying to catch a few extra winks with him laying in between mama and daddy in the 'big' bed, by simply trying to gouge your eye out, or scratch your arm to shreds, or pull on your hair, or climb up you face to try and reach what lies beyond....an alarm clock and/or a baby monitor that are bright and shiny and light up...or a combination of it all.
The day abounds with laughter and happiness on Barret's end, and once 7:00 am rolls around Mama and Daddy are ready for the day as well. As we finally, if we aren't already, mosey on out to the living room, shut the baby gate, turn on the radio, and lay on the floor with our oh so happy baby boy. We watch him crawl around and climb up and down our bodies as he tries to be super adventurous and is so excited to show us what he can do. By this time we are awake and there is nothing that can take away the happiness we have in watching our little boy seek adventure and try new things, there is no amount of lost sleep that could make us upset with him for making us be awake....
And as the clock just clicked over to 1:53am, the baby room falls silent....I sit and wait to hear one more cry for mama, or one more shriek of please come and pick me up daddy... I hear silence. Ahhhh silence.....for a mere one minute....and we are back listening to our midnight serenade and tears and shrieks and a waterfall of white noise in the background.
One of these days Barret James you will learn that night time is sleep time and that crying in the night is only going to give you a loss of sleep and that there is no use in crying, because in the morning we get to see each others smiling faces. You will learn that not only is your dark room and comfy crib a peaceful place to sleep, but it is also a place for you to rest your head from the long day you just had. You will learn and understand that Mama and daddy are right across the hallway and we are here to keep you safe. You will learn that your heavenly Father is watching over you to make sure you are safe and sound. You will learn that just because you can't see us at that very moment we still love you and are still here and you will see us in a few short hours... when the sun comes up and the clock strikes 5:00 am.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Summer is coming to a close
We have also had our fair share of picnics for the year, Three nights in a row! But hey, who doesn't love a grilled hot dog and all the chips and cookies you can eat?
I have also graduated from the whale tub to the big boy tub....Mama's only worry is that Barret loves to stand and tries repeatedly to stand up in the tub. Despite our lengthy talks on dangers in the tub, Barret continues to try and stand, usually with much success, and then goes on to just babble as he tries to climb out. Other than trying to get out of the tub, he seems to much enjoy the tub. I think he is trying to figure out the difference between the tub and the pool....
Uncle Mike and Tete Chelsey took a trip to Ohio and picked Barret up some really cute Ohio State clothes! He is going to be very stylish once football season rolls around.
Uncle Jason left for Tech School on August 9 and we went up to say goodbye to him the day before. We won't get to see him until January, maybe even later. BUT, we do get to talk to him while he is gone this time, which is super exciting. We have already gotten to talk with him twice and we are waiting anxiously for him to set up his skype account so we can see him!
We have been trying to introduce Barret to some real foods despite the lack of teeth, and so far Barret is very interested in watermelon, strawberries, and pears. As long as he can eventually pick the piece of food up he seems to enjoy it. We just have to keep close watch on him because he really just sucks the juices out and one of these days I am afraid he is going to suck so hard it's going to go right down his throat...no good! Other than fruit, Dad decided to give Barret a cheese ball the other day, needless to say there was cheese all over his face and hands, and the cheese ball disappeared in a matter of seconds. He is also very attracted to the sugar free wafer cookies that we all know and love... Barret loves them too! Graham crackers, rice cakes, and sun chips are a few other foods Barret has come to try. (You probably think we are terrible people giving our son cheese balls and cookies at such a young age. But I will have you know that this is not by choice, I have mentioned before that Barret is an aggressive eater, he lunges at things and now that he can move around at his own will, he will grab it right out of your hand or off your plate.... there is no stopping him!)
Nap times are another story.... you walk in the room because it is quiet and you want to check on him... this is what you will see !
And look how big I am compared to Norman now!