Friday, August 6, 2010

My Favorites!

I love the way Barret is learning to crawl, putting in every effort he has, grunting his little grunts, flopping on his belly and then pushing himself right back up onto all fours.

I love the way I walk out of the room for one second, and when I come back he is no where near in the same place he was when I left.

I love the way we play peak-a-boo in his crib and he giggles and giggles so much I think he is going to get sick.

I love the way he cries at night and I come into his room and see him standing up in the crib and he can't get himself back down.

I love the way he whispers, "dada, dada, dada" throughout the day while he is pondering his toys.

I love the way we dip into the big kid pool and go for a swim and his face never shows anything but a big gummy smile.

I love the way he thinks it is okay to suck on my phone and completely kill it, making me wait for it to dry out so I can use it again.

I love the way he wakes up with a smile and giggles from his naps.

I love the way Daddy and Barret play in the mornings so Mama can get a few extra minutes of sleep.

I love the way he tries to escape his stroller and carseat, like he is saying, "Mama, I am too big for this, I can sit, why do you keep putting me in this thing?"

I love the way his hair is growing, and his eyes are so blue, and his hands are so so soft after he gets out of water and rubs my arm.

I love the way he grabs on tight to my arms or my neck like he is never going to let go.

I love the big, huge smile he gives Daddy when he comes home from work, and how he gets all giddy about Daddy finally being home to play.

I love the way he pulls my hair and thinks it is the funniest thing in the whole wide world.

I love that Barret destroys anything put in front of him, like the computer desk when he sits with me and I check the email.

I love that he throws things on the floor, and he would rather chew on the spoon than eat his dinner.

I love how he can be in the middle of a crying fit and Mama or Daddy will do something silly and he will start laughing hysterically and then go back to crying...

I love how he is growing and I miss his little self already; I'm excited for what is to come and sad for what is now over, but the excited and the love that my Baby Boy has brought is absolutely wonderful!

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