Welcome! Join us as we capture the moments of our little family. We are so in love with our TWO little men and love the daily entertainment they provide! Our boys have been such a blessing in our lives and we are excited for the adventures ahead!

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Triscuits in the Toaster?
Is that terrible of me? To laugh at my 13 month old son who just threw up in the back seat all over himself and he has never been sick like this before? What was wrong with me? Why didn't I cry or rush to his aid by hopping over the seat to sit next to him and comfort him? I'll tell you one thing, probably because I was too worried I was going to do it next.
We finally pulled into a gas station and Daddy ran in to get napkins and I rushed in the back seat, using everything I could find to try and clean him up as best I could. The smell was rancid but the back seat was spared. Our poor sick baby boy was sitting in his throw up and we weren't even close to being home. We had at least a fifteen minute drive ahead of us and I felt terrible.
The entire way Barret was such a trooper and we eventually made it home. We quickly brought him inside stripped him of his clothes and got him in the shower to clean him up and calm him down. As we laid him down in bed for the night I couldn't help but think what a strong little guy he was. Putting up with Mama and Daddy's craziness, our lack of understanding of what he needed and that we shouldn't have gone out, getting sick in the car and not getting any comfort until we got home, and just everything about the night, he handled it all so well.
This morning was supposed to be full of fun and exciting new things, we had planned to go to the Children's Museum and I was so so pumped. But, instead we stayed home and cuddled, took lots of endless naps, and drank a lot of water! It was so fun to see him sit on Daddy's lap while he ate his Eggo this morning (he never sits still, ever!), and to watch him cuddle with Daddy while we watched UP, and even just to feel his strong and endless hugs.
Hopefully tomorrow brings a happy, bouncing, feeling better baby boy, who still wants to cuddle with his Mama and Daddy!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Check out this link http://www.doulasetc.wordpress.com/
One of the woman in this blog is a lady who goes to our Church and she is an amazing mother! She has three boys and is a doula for the bloomington/normal area. Her advice on nursing, giving birth, and just plain being a mom have helped me through the past year with Barret and I always look forward to talking with her.
If you look at the recent blog post you can enter to win a giveaway. Simply click on the link to take the short survey (I did it and it literally only took me like 3 minutes) and then comment on the blog post, on your facebook, and even in your own blog! You can have three chances to win the book All The Ways I Love You!
Good luck!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Is it bedtime yet?
Here is a picture of Barret's 'big boy' bed, with all the animals you could ever need to keep you safe!
The poor little guy must be having some pretty terrible nightmares because nothing else makes sense. He seems to love his new bed more than anything and insists on playing in it as much as he remembers it is there. Nothing in his room has changed other than the bed, our routines at night have stayed the same, and Barret is even eating better at dinnertime so we know he is not hungry. If you have any suggestions or thoughts on what's eating our little guy or even how to make him sleep better let us know! We don't really feel like going through this whole not sleeping thing again until Baby Gaffney comes...6 weeks people, 6 weeks.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Kisses Kisses

Don't worry, we didn't do this to him...he got himself stuck in the box all on his own :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Oh Sleep, how I miss you
Through all of this lack of sleep I have been able to see the lighter side of things at work and many days I just leave laughing because of a comment some student says to me.
On Tuesday I took my students down to get on their buses to go home and a student who I had never met came up to me, holding out his hand and said "Hi what is your name?" I responded by telling him my name and before I could even get it out he brought his hands up to his mouth in a gasp and look ultimately concerned, asking me where I got that stomach from. I just smiled in reply saying, "It's a baby." He was completely taken with excitement and raised his arms in the air with a huge smile on his face saying over and over again, "a baby! Congratulations!" It was the funniest thing I had experienced in a while.
Steve and I have also realized that the house we bought was not in the cards for us. God truly was playing a huge part in our decision, but we just felt like we were over looking something or maybe trying too hard to have his answer be what we wanted it to be. Turns out the house was not a safe place to live and the inspection did not go well at all. After a week of going back and forth with the seller to try and settle on an agreement we finally realized that it just wasn't what God wanted for us and we graciously said no thank you. Now that we are out all the money we had already put in for the appraisal, the inspection, the radon test, and the initial down payment you would think we would be really upset. However, there is nothing we can do about the money being gone and we feel as though that was just what God needed to do to make us realize that he is in control and that there is no reason for us to buy a house if we aren't planning on being here for the long haul. As much as I am disappointed in not having the house, I am relieved, knowing that we are following the path he has placed before us.
With that said, thank you all for your prayers and words of wisdom for us during the past few weeks. We have greatly appreciated you for them and love you all so very much.
Also, if anyone knows of someone who has a home they are wanting to find renters for please let us know. With baby gaffney coming we are very much so growing out of the space we have right now.
Hopefully the next time I post I will be able to tell you that Barret is sleeping better!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
what's new
Monday, February 7, 2011
MmMm Yummy!
Since Barret has no longer been eating baby food, going out to eat creates a little bit more of a challenge when trying to figure out what he will eat. He is a super picky eater, but at the same time it seems like he will eat just about anything. I decided to order him a Strawberry milkshake to go along with his mac n cheese and french fries (which he loves and could probably live off of). As soon as that shake came out it was all over. He LOVED it and just slurped it down. Daddy was worried he was going to get a brain freeze and start screaming, but it never came. I'm pretty sure he didn't stop to take a breath very often either. He was so interested in his shake that the rest of the meal, even the french fries, had to take the back seat for the day. Barret was just loving the shake and I was glad we ordered it for him. I wished I had had my camera on me because he just looked so happy and so satisfied with that strawberry deliciousness. When we got in the car to go home we gave him the remainder of the shake to hold onto back there. Well, thinking that he would have done a better job with it because he liked it so much we weren't expecting a mess. We were wrong. Strawberry milkshake stickiness was all over his coat, all over his face, all over his car seat, all over his hands, and all over anything else that was close to him.
This was all just on the short trip from Steak n Shake to Target. Barret has taken an interest in all things garbage cans, which is very frustrating because it is dirty and gross and, well, it is garbage. On Friday he decided that it was a good idea to throw things away, which I applaud greatly. However, the things he was 'throwing away' were his pacifier, toys, silverware, food, and sippy cups. He would open the lid, throw the item in, walk out to the living room with a smile and giggle, turn around and go back into the kitchen, open it up, pick out whatever he threw in, and play with it or put it in his mouth or do whatever the action was pertaining to the object. YUCK! Needless to say, we ventured to Target to find a garbage can that was Barret proof rather than buying some sort of contraption to keep it closed. As we walked down the aisle critiquing all of the garbage cans we finally decided to get a few out and set them up in the aisle so Barret could show us his skills. After about five minutes of him wandering around them and trying to get into them, we found a winner! It was very exciting :)
Nothing else really, other than being really busy and tired. Barret is still fighting his cold and Mama and Daddy just need some time to relax!
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Reveal

Tonight after dinner we decided to take Barret bowling. Tete was working so we got VIP treatment and Barret even got to sit on the counter and look super important (not that he isn't already super important). We got him his own little 6lb orange ball and headed over to our lane. Barret LOVED that ball. He held it and hugged it and Mama was just waiting for him to lick it or kiss it or something, thank goodness he didn't! When it was his turn to bowl we walked him up and he stood between Daddy's legs and we pushed the ball down. At first he seemed okay with it, and then the tears came. His ball was gone. We rushed him over to the ball return and showed him that it was going to come back and it did! He bowled 2 1/2 frames before we decided that we no longer wanted to torment him with throwing his ball away and then magically having it return so they could have a reunion. He loved just sitting on the chair with his ball in his lap, smacking the life out of it, and watching other people throw colorful balls down the lane. For his two frames he did pretty well, he had a score of 15! Barret even surprised us with his muscles by carrying the 6lb ball around. And of course, Mama had the camera set out to go with us and didn't realized she forgot it until we arrived at the bowling alley. We got a few pictures on Daddy's phone, but they aren't anything really that great. Once I figure out how to get them on the computer I will share.
So if you are ready for the name of baby gaffney #2 and you are tired of reading my ramblings you are in luck.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Spring products are on our minds.....and here comes a Blizzard!?!

Here is Mama at 30 weeks with Baby Gaffney #2. We have a name for him now too... would you like to know what it is????