it is, are you ready? Maybe later. First I have some things to say.
Yesterday, Mama got to stay home yet again which was wonderful but so exhausting at the same time. Barret was not a happy camper and would not stop whining/crying for the majority of the day. He slept really well but didn't eat more than applesauce and yogurt. His throat sounded rough and his nose just never stopped running! I took him to the doctor today to get checked out, and of course he was feeling much better and was his usual happy go lucky self, but the Doctor did believe me when I told her all about his symptoms. I always feel silly going into the doctor after I have called to make an appointment, because it seems like the minute I dial the number Barret already feels like his old self. Oh well, Dr. Kane noticed that he has a lot of drainage and his throat was a little pink, but she said nothing to worry about. We just need to make sure he gets the rest and the fluids that he needs.
Oh and get this, our little man is not so little anymore. He has already gained 1 1/2 lbs since his 1 year well baby visit! YIKES!!!!

Mama also went to the doctor today and baby is checking out just like our babies do....BIG! Mama is 31 weeks and baby measures at 4 lbs already! His foot was huge, just like Barret's, and his nose looks like it might be a Boehm nose :) Which Mama is excited about. Baby was on the move today during the sonogram so it was hard to get a good visual of all of his features, but what we saw was good. At one point it appeared he had his whole fist in his mouth, which I can't imagine being very comfortable.

I've told you before that Barret really doesn't like the Dr's office and when anyone touches me he freaks out. Well today I had planned on going to the doctor and then going to pick him up from the sitters. However, we had to schedule his appointment as well and so it just made more sense to pick him up before hand since our doctors are in the same building. When I was called back for the sonogram one of the receptionists offered to hold on to him while I went in. Now, anywhere else I would have hesitated and said no thank you. But, Dr. Dameron's staff know me by name as well as Barret. You see, when you spend 9 months getting to know them all during your first pregnancy, go in for your six week postpartum with the baby, and then about four months later show up again with your second pregnancy, people tend to know a lot about you. Needless to say, I said of course you can and I handed him off. This made for the first enjoyable sonogram with baby #2. Afterwards, I headed out and there was Barret sitting on the receptionists chair playing with birth control pamphlets. I just laughed and she told me he even went in the back office to help her carry out some birth control for another woman. Seems ironic.... But, she said he was the perfect little gentleman. Everyone was happy :) Barret and I then proceeded to room 15 where my blood pressure was taken. He screamed. Dr Dameron came into the room. He whimpered. She picked him up and he helped her measure my belly, and he did a great job if I do say so myself. She listened to the heartbeat of the baby. Barret's eyes got huge and so she quickly turned it off after she got what she needed. Barret really was not a big fan of the whooshing and thumping sound. All in all though, he did a great job and I was very proud of him.

Let's see, anything else.... Oh ya, I had to go back to school fun.
Wednesday night we realized if we were going to have our small group over for games and such we should probably shovel a pathway to our door and all the way down the driveway. After about an hours worth of work Daddy had successfully shoveled a path from the street to our door. Then, later that night, about 10 pm they finally came and plowed our lot, super! Still no sign of anyone coming to shovel for us though, our rental company must think we don't need our front door....the back door too, really, since they plowed very poorly and instead of helping us get our cars out, inevitably made it a lot harder. Oh well.

Daddy brought home boxes yesterday for us to start packing, I think I am going to be procrastinating a lot on the packing this time. As much as I want to move, I just don't want to pack.
Tonight after dinner we decided to take Barret bowling. Tete was working so we got VIP treatment and Barret even got to sit on the counter and look super important (not that he isn't already super important). We got him his own little 6lb orange ball and headed over to our lane. Barret LOVED that ball. He held it and hugged it and Mama was just waiting for him to lick it or kiss it or something, thank goodness he didn't! When it was his turn to bowl we walked him up and he stood between Daddy's legs and we pushed the ball down. At first he seemed okay with it, and then the tears came. His ball was gone. We rushed him over to the ball return and showed him that it was going to come back and it did! He bowled 2 1/2 frames before we decided that we no longer wanted to torment him with throwing his ball away and then magically having it return so they could have a reunion. He loved just sitting on the chair with his ball in his lap, smacking the life out of it, and watching other people throw colorful balls down the lane. For his two frames he did pretty well, he had a score of 15! Barret even surprised us with his muscles by carrying the 6lb ball around. And of course, Mama had the camera set out to go with us and didn't realized she forgot it until we arrived at the bowling alley. We got a few pictures on Daddy's phone, but they aren't anything really that great. Once I figure out how to get them on the computer I will share.

So if you are ready for the name of baby gaffney #2 and you are tired of reading my ramblings you are in luck.
Baby's name is Levi Thomas Dean. We like it!
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