So this weekend brought a lot of ups and downs in our house. Saturday we went to Steak n Shake to make up for one of the downs and create a fun up :)
Since Barret has no longer been eating baby food, going out to eat creates a little bit more of a challenge when trying to figure out what he will eat. He is a super picky eater, but at the same time it seems like he will eat just about anything. I decided to order him a Strawberry milkshake to go along with his mac n cheese and french fries (which he loves and could probably live off of). As soon as that shake came out it was all over. He LOVED it and just slurped it down. Daddy was worried he was going to get a brain freeze and start screaming, but it never came. I'm pretty sure he didn't stop to take a breath very often either. He was so interested in his shake that the rest of the meal, even the french fries, had to take the back seat for the day. Barret was just loving the shake and I was glad we ordered it for him. I wished I had had my camera on me because he just looked so happy and so satisfied with that strawberry deliciousness. When we got in the car to go home we gave him the remainder of the shake to hold onto back there. Well, thinking that he would have done a better job with it because he liked it so much we weren't expecting a mess. We were wrong. Strawberry milkshake stickiness was all over his coat, all over his face, all over his car seat, all over his hands, and all over anything else that was close to him.
This was all just on the short trip from Steak n Shake to Target. Barret has taken an interest in all things garbage cans, which is very frustrating because it is dirty and gross and, well, it is garbage. On Friday he decided that it was a good idea to throw things away, which I applaud greatly. However, the things he was 'throwing away' were his pacifier, toys, silverware, food, and sippy cups. He would open the lid, throw the item in, walk out to the living room with a smile and giggle, turn around and go back into the kitchen, open it up, pick out whatever he threw in, and play with it or put it in his mouth or do whatever the action was pertaining to the object. YUCK! Needless to say, we ventured to Target to find a garbage can that was Barret proof rather than buying some sort of contraption to keep it closed. As we walked down the aisle critiquing all of the garbage cans we finally decided to get a few out and set them up in the aisle so Barret could show us his skills. After about five minutes of him wandering around them and trying to get into them, we found a winner! It was very exciting :)
Nothing else really, other than being really busy and tired. Barret is still fighting his cold and Mama and Daddy just need some time to relax!
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