Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cry, Cry on

As I sit here listening to our little one scream at the top of his lungs I can not help but wonder what on earth is the matter. But moments ago he was a happy little camper enjoying himself, taking in all that is around him. He begins to wrinkle his face and flail his arms and I know it's coming. That horrible, no good, very awful cry. I don't like that cry. It makes me sad. It makes me frustrated. It makes me question his health. That cry takes me to a whole different place. Lately when he does this I have just been putting him down, letting him work it out on his own, only to make it worse, the cry goes to a whole different decibel that I didn't even know existed. You are full my little man. You are clean and you are loved. Please stop crying so we can all enjoy our days a little more.

1 comment:

  1. I used to give my kids gas drops when they would do that. Who knows if it is gas, or just a baby who felt like crying. At least the taste was enough to distract them for a minute. And you can give it to them at any age. You can get the Target gas drops for half the cost of Mylicon. (:
