Oh my goodness, oh my goodness....our little Bear-man has been baring his teeth at us through his slobbery fingers for the past few weeks. We new he was teething, but had no idea the extent of it. Can you imagine the pain of getting two molars in at the exact same time, along with one canine tooth, and have two more molars and one more canine tooth working their way to the surface? Well, if you can't you should ask Barret what it feels like. He has been dealing with this for a while now and the crabbiness is wearing me out. I can't believe that all these teeth are coming through the surface. It seems like just yesterday he was our toothless wonder and was
o-so-cute with his gummy smile. I LOVED that gummy smile.
His teeth are coming in so nicely though and I love his smiles more and more each day.

Speaking of smiling, our little Levi is becoming quite the smiler. His smiles certainly brighten my day and make up for all the screaming he does. I love the wide open, one side higher, bright eyes smiles. They are absolutely adorable and I can't get enough. Of course he is a little stinker like his brother and likes to hide them from the camera as much as possible.
It's funny how my little men are so aware of the camera. They see it and they suddenly become bashful and more interested in that silly piece of technology than anyone else around it trying their absolute hardest to make them smile.
However, in the past few days Barret has become much less camera shy and much more of a model. His silly smiles are ready for the taking.
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