Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Smile Brings Tears

Wednesday brought many tears for mommy. Grandma was leaving and I was so scared for her to leave us. I knew that Steve and I could take care of Barret just fine, but there was always comfort in knowing that Grandma was there to help out if we needed her to. As she was leaving she reminded us that we had been doing everything; changing his diapers, feeding him, comforting him, playing with him, she was simply there for support. When she said this, I realized that maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
After Grandma left Steve, Barret, and I sat on the couch making faces and simply marveling in how cute Barret was and how much we loved him. I had finally put the tears away from Grandma leaving and Barret let out the biggest smile (and it wasn't a gas smile). I lost it.
It is so funny how something so simple and so precious can make you so happy. I was so excited to see him smile and to see how happy our precious little Barret was.
Now, I sit around waiting for him to smile again and again. His smile is beautiful and perfect and I couldn't love anything more.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, you are pretty much the best mom I've ever met. He's such a lucky little man :)
