Barret took TWO CRAWLS last night!!!!!
We were so excited and so happy for him. He is getting so big and so talented!
Steve has been saying all along that he thinks he is going to be crawling by the end of the month...well, it is the end of the month and he is going at it.
We are going to be out of town this weekend and Barret will be staying home with Grandma and Grandpa Gaffney. I am hoping that we don't miss him going for a great long crawl.
Welcome! Join us as we capture the moments of our little family. We are so in love with our TWO little men and love the daily entertainment they provide! Our boys have been such a blessing in our lives and we are excited for the adventures ahead!

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
random pictures from this month
All decked out for the 4th of July!
Okay So I really don't like the picture uploader on the blog website, and I can't figure out how to do it another way. So my pictures turned out to be four random pictures from the month, instead of a whole bunch. When the blogging company decides to get a better and faster picture uploader I will have much more patience to upload more photos. Until then, I don't have time, and it is not worth me getting worked up over.
Visit my facebook page to see more photos of the Little Bear!
Monday, July 26, 2010
2nd Anniversary
Today is our second anniversary! It is so hard to believe that we have only been married for two years because it feels like it has just been a lifetime....
It is amazing how things change so much when you are married, and it is hard, even now, to remember life without one another. We truly and genuinely complete one another and learn to love one another more and more each day.
Last night I was thinking about all of the gifts we have gotten one another since knowing each other and I couldn't think of what the best one was. Then all of a sudden it dawned on me, the best gift we have received, has been Barret. It is amazing how this little person can fill this huge spot in our hearts. I love that we have him and that we have been blessed to raise him.
I often think about the plans that we made when we were engaged; we wanted to get teaching jobs, buy a house, get a dog, THEN start having kids and making our little family. "HA," God said, as he laughed at us. Our plans were ripped up and stomped on, God has not provided us with teaching jobs, he has not provided us with a dog, and he has not provided us with a house. BUT, and it is a big one, He has provided us with this little bundle of wonderful to fill the void of any of those worldly things we were planning for. He has given us the opportunity to raise a son in the name of Him and we are truly honored and blessed. Since having Barret in our lives, we are happier, we are satisfied and completely comfortable in our apartment, we don't need a dog to take care of, because we already have to deal with enough poop, we don't need to be teachers in a school at this very moment, because the job of teaching our son to eat from a spoon, drink from a cup, crawl, walk, swim, talk, and love is job enough for us right now.
Barret has taught me many things about love. He has made me appreciate the people and the things around me much more than ever before. I take in every moment the best I can, and I thank God for the beauty around me. His love is poured out in the way I love my little family now. I take advantage of the time I have to spend with Barret, knowing he is only going to be little for so long. But I have also learned through Barret, to take advantage of the time I have with Steve. We are only going to be young for so long, and as we spend our date nights in front of our own television, watching movies we check out from the library, and drinking water while we eat popcorn that was only $4.99 for a 12 lb. bag, we fall into a deeper love just being together. Even though our dates aren't as elaborate or expensive as they used to be, they are perfect for us. They bring us together, they allow us time to talk, they make us fall in love more and more each day.
I thank God so much for bringing Barret into our lives so unexpectedly. I know it was for a reason, and to this day I am learning more and more of those reasons. The greatest reason in our Marriage, I feel, was simply to bring us closer.
I love you my dear, and I can't wait to see what God has planned for us in the coming years! Happy Anniversary!
It is amazing how things change so much when you are married, and it is hard, even now, to remember life without one another. We truly and genuinely complete one another and learn to love one another more and more each day.
Last night I was thinking about all of the gifts we have gotten one another since knowing each other and I couldn't think of what the best one was. Then all of a sudden it dawned on me, the best gift we have received, has been Barret. It is amazing how this little person can fill this huge spot in our hearts. I love that we have him and that we have been blessed to raise him.
I often think about the plans that we made when we were engaged; we wanted to get teaching jobs, buy a house, get a dog, THEN start having kids and making our little family. "HA," God said, as he laughed at us. Our plans were ripped up and stomped on, God has not provided us with teaching jobs, he has not provided us with a dog, and he has not provided us with a house. BUT, and it is a big one, He has provided us with this little bundle of wonderful to fill the void of any of those worldly things we were planning for. He has given us the opportunity to raise a son in the name of Him and we are truly honored and blessed. Since having Barret in our lives, we are happier, we are satisfied and completely comfortable in our apartment, we don't need a dog to take care of, because we already have to deal with enough poop, we don't need to be teachers in a school at this very moment, because the job of teaching our son to eat from a spoon, drink from a cup, crawl, walk, swim, talk, and love is job enough for us right now.
Barret has taught me many things about love. He has made me appreciate the people and the things around me much more than ever before. I take in every moment the best I can, and I thank God for the beauty around me. His love is poured out in the way I love my little family now. I take advantage of the time I have to spend with Barret, knowing he is only going to be little for so long. But I have also learned through Barret, to take advantage of the time I have with Steve. We are only going to be young for so long, and as we spend our date nights in front of our own television, watching movies we check out from the library, and drinking water while we eat popcorn that was only $4.99 for a 12 lb. bag, we fall into a deeper love just being together. Even though our dates aren't as elaborate or expensive as they used to be, they are perfect for us. They bring us together, they allow us time to talk, they make us fall in love more and more each day.
I thank God so much for bringing Barret into our lives so unexpectedly. I know it was for a reason, and to this day I am learning more and more of those reasons. The greatest reason in our Marriage, I feel, was simply to bring us closer.
I love you my dear, and I can't wait to see what God has planned for us in the coming years! Happy Anniversary!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
And more...
So yesterday I forgot to mention that Barret can almost clap... how do you almost clap you ask? Simple, Mama and daddy clap, we demonstrate and then model with Barret's own hands, and he begins to flail. His hands accidentally hit one another and make some sort of noise, and he looks at us like, "What was that?" That, my friends, is how Barret can almost clap.
Barret is also gaining great momentum when it comes to crawling. He can now inch his legs up and under his little body so he is sitting on his hands and knees. It is the cutest thing and he tries so so hard to move while he rocks back and forth so fast he ends up sliding out from underneath himself.
This past Wednesday Barret found out he can bang on things. He now love love loves, standing at the coffee table and banging his hands down on top of it. He does with this pots, bowls, and water too.
Yesterday we introduced Rice Husks. He tried one on Tuesday with his friend Micaiah, so Mama went out and bought some of his own. He seems to enjoy them, but he would rather play with them and wave them in the air than eat them.
Finally, Barret is becoming more and more vocal and loves to babble. He has some new phrases he likes to say now too!
Barret is also gaining great momentum when it comes to crawling. He can now inch his legs up and under his little body so he is sitting on his hands and knees. It is the cutest thing and he tries so so hard to move while he rocks back and forth so fast he ends up sliding out from underneath himself.
This past Wednesday Barret found out he can bang on things. He now love love loves, standing at the coffee table and banging his hands down on top of it. He does with this pots, bowls, and water too.
Yesterday we introduced Rice Husks. He tried one on Tuesday with his friend Micaiah, so Mama went out and bought some of his own. He seems to enjoy them, but he would rather play with them and wave them in the air than eat them.
Finally, Barret is becoming more and more vocal and loves to babble. He has some new phrases he likes to say now too!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Growing up Fast!
Barret is becoming such a big boy! He has learned to pull himself up on people as well as furniture. Yesterday, he pulled up on his toy bin, reached back for me, and then walked himself over to the other side of the bin in order to reach a specific toy. It was so fun to see him do this and see how strong he is getting.
Barret has also been trying to stand up in the tub, and can pull himself to his knees in the water, which I think is just so funny. I keep telling him, standing in the tub is against the rules, but he insists on doing it anyway. (He has already become a rule breaker)
Food is another big change for our little guy. He seems to LOVE carrots and is so excited to eat and try new things. At breakfast we serve oatmeal and apple/blueberry puree. He gobbles this down so fast and is always wanting more. We have also been giving Barret fruit in this little mesh bag thing so he can try out the flavors and get the nutrients but not actually eat the fruit. He LOVES this just as much as his carrots it seems. So far he as tried, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, pineapple, grapes(which he absolutely did not like), apples, and cantaloupe; far more fruit than Mama will try :)
Barret has also finally learned to sign milk to us. However, now that he knows and recognizes to do it, it is a constant, almost 24/7 thing he does. It makes me laugh and I am trying very hard to show him a few other signs for water, more, and food. Someday, Barret James, you will learn that not everything is milk!
He also has a big boy reading bench in his room. Daddy made the bench to be an entertainment center, but now that B has his own room, it just seemed to fit in there so much better than for what it was made to be. Mama concocted a padding for the top using foam pieces, an old sheet, and gorilla tape. I must say, for not being very creative when it comes to making furniture and things, it turned out quite well. I love it and it fits in his room so perfectly.
Mr. B has enough hair to make a Mohawk, courtesy of Daddy and a little sunscreen.
He is even trying to understand why Mama is always putting his blocks in the bowl and then taking them out again.
He is getting so big and so strong and even so much more lovable each day!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
6 Month Well Baby Visit
Finally! Now that Barret is almost 7 months we got in for our 6 month well baby visit! We switched doctors and today was our first day with Dr. Kane and we LOVE her! Not only did we feel welcome in the office but the nurses were so nice and the doctor was so open to any questions we had and she actually answered what we asked. She gave her insight and suggestions without us feeling like she didn't know what to say and she was bold and upfront with any answer she gave us. The best part was that Barret even got to have his shots in the office! So no more taking him to the health department to sit and wait and waste 2 hours and be miserable. We are so happy!
Barret weighed 17lbs 2 oz 35%
his height was 27 1/4 in 75%
and his head was 17 1/2 in 50%
YAY! He is abnormally tall!!!!!
The doctor even said that he was perfect :) I don't think the nurse told her that when she tried to take his temperature he was pooping and that he peed all over the bed. :) Nothing like making a good first impression ;)
They gave him his shots right then and there and he started crying before they even put the needle in, but then only cried for about 3 minutes. As soon as we picked him up he was okay, they even gave him a superman sticker and sesame street band aids :)
And of course now he is completely worn out and will probably sleep the rest of the day.
Barret weighed 17lbs 2 oz 35%
his height was 27 1/4 in 75%
and his head was 17 1/2 in 50%
YAY! He is abnormally tall!!!!!
The doctor even said that he was perfect :) I don't think the nurse told her that when she tried to take his temperature he was pooping and that he peed all over the bed. :) Nothing like making a good first impression ;)
They gave him his shots right then and there and he started crying before they even put the needle in, but then only cried for about 3 minutes. As soon as we picked him up he was okay, they even gave him a superman sticker and sesame street band aids :)
And of course now he is completely worn out and will probably sleep the rest of the day.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Up North!
Barret's first vacation was a success and so much fun! We loved getting to spend the entire week with family and just getting time to relax. The week started out with a quick drive to the Gaffney household in Algonquin where we visited with Uncle Mike and Grandma and Grandpa. Uncle Jason met us there and we left for Wisconsin about 11:30 pm. Our drive was a lot quicker than expected and even though Barret didn't sleep the whole way there, like we hoped, it wasn't half bad. We arrived at the cabin about 5:30am and from then on we had a wonderful time on the lake!

The week was full of fun and excitement, making new memories, and catching up with cousins and aunts and uncles we haven't seen for a long time. It was great to see cousins from California, that I have only met once before. The gap between our ages is so crazy but it is amazing how we all just fit together so well.
Barret enjoyed his days on the lake and could not stop splashing.
He loved the lake and couldn't get enough. Even just sitting on the dock he would reach down for the water and try to get in. I love this! He is going to be just like his Mama, and be a water bug!!!! The lake was full of snails. You would find them up on the shore, floating on the water, and stuck to the bottom of the lake. Barret couldn't get enough of them and it was hilarious watching him try to grab for the ones on the lake floor. He couldn't quite grasp the idea that the snail shells were really farther away than they looked. At one point he even dropped his face into the water with an attempt to grab hold of one of those silly snails. This surprised him more than anything and was quickly back to his splashing mayhem.
Wednesday and Thursday we rented a speed boat to ski and tube. This was a lot of fun and Barret even enjoyed his first boat ride! He seemed a bit impartial and didn't really notice anything different other than being really windy and he couldn't keep his eyes open. We all had a great time with the boat, even though it didn't quite have the horse power we wanted, and dad tried and tried and tried to get up on skis but he just couldn't quite get there. Mama and Uncle Jason tore up the water with their skies though and Daddy enjoyed the tube rides as long as Mama wasn't driving ( I guess he just can't handle the craziness of my driving!)
Each night we all gathered around as a different family prepared dinner and just reminisced of the old days and got to hear about everyone lives. It was so fun hearing about cousin Nora's experience in Japan, and even more fun to hear Susan talk about living in Japan. Rachel brought her boyfriend, and it was great getting to meet him! The best part for Barret? His little cousin friends, even though he is the youngest by a big margin, they loved on him and were so helpful. Grey made sure to point out, "Baby" and make sure he had his pacifier, Zoe would pat his head, and Ty was super loving and gentle with him. Maggie made sure to go through his diaper bag and make sure there wasn't anything in there that she wanted and even offered to share a Cheetos :)Barret declined and offered and apple, which Maggie was clearly opposed to.
Friday was Great Grandma Boehm's service and we all set out on our pontoon boats at 9:30.
We rode through the chain of lakes to get to Big Fork Lake and there we circled around and wished a farewell to Grandma as we threw flowers, birch bark, and sent Grandma and Grandpa's necklace pieces to float in the lake. The experience was unlike any I have ever had before, and I was a bit unsure of the whole thing until the moment came. I loved seeing all of my aunts and uncles, mom and dad, together and celebrating the life that Grandma had. I loved seeing all of my cousins enjoying the experience and sitting silently as we watched the kids spread the ashes. I loved remembering Grandma and all of her wonderfulness and her love for us all. I loved being on Big Fork and seeing my parents and aunts and uncles at a peace in knowing they were loved. I loved seeing the lake and the house that my dad grew up in and I loved seeing the way we all reached out for one another in this time of sadness. I loved knowing that Grandma was looking down on us all, being so filled with joy and love, that we were all together, all 47 of us, celebrating the wonderful mother, grandmother, and great grandmother she was. I loved it all! And even though, now it feels like she is really gone, I know that she is in a better place and I know that someday I will get to see her again. Even though Barret never got to meet her and see just what a wonderful and special woman she was, she loves him and he will get to hear all of the great stories of her.
After the service, we rode the boats around a little bit, Dad, Aunt Deb, and Aunt Kay jumped in for a quick swim and we headed back to the cabin for a great feast and a time to just sit and remember and celebrate grandma.
After we cleaned up the kitchen and packed up our bags, the cousins all headed out for our final evening swim. It was great! We watched as Uncle Jason and Dad did flips off the pontoon boat and Ty was amazing at swimming and loved to jump off the boat. We played a round a tag in the water and Susan made a 12 minute video. Susan and Jackie, being the oldest were our chaperone's and explained to us just what to do in case of an emergency, how to put on our life vests and how to work the oxygen masks! It was hilarious. And would you believe that we sunk the front half of the pontoon on our way back in to the dock? We did, it was funny, but not really....
On Saturday Morning we all loaded up our cars and headed back for home. It was a sad day and no one wanted to leave. The week was wonderful, the family was wonderful, and the memories made were wonderful! I loved getting to know my family more and I am so excited that Barret got to meet so many of them.
As we headed for home, my heart ached and I just wanted to turn around and do the whole week over again. My prayer is that it won't be long before we get to go up North and enjoy the wonderfulness of the lakes, the woods, and the memories again. I love it up there!
Here's to a wonderful week! We miss you and love you Grandma! Thank you for being you!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
6 months!
Barret has now officially been 6 months for 3 days. You don't really expect anything different to just happen because they are now 1/2 a year old, just like you don't really expect anything to be different when you turn a year older. However, I believe it is okay to say that Barret is different! He is happier than ever and loves to move and grove. We like to shake it! Mama lost a lot of her milk when we went to the summer conference so now Barret is getting formula for the majority of the day. As much as we don't like this, we can't let the little guy starve! When it is time for a snack, Barret loves to shriek and scream as loud as possible, so we run to the kitchen, fill up the bottle, and SHAKE IT! This always makes him laugh and I love hearing his laugh.
Barret is also becoming quite the mover. If we prop him up on his hands and knees he will sit there and look at us like, "what now?" After a couple minutes he will start to rock back and forth, and eventually his knees slide out and he is back where he started...flat on his belly with his arms stretched out.
Barret is also taking a liking to climbing on anything he can, laundry baskets, feet, couches, chairs, people, you name it, he is climbing it. He has so much fun doing this and I love watching him move around with his big old smile.
His smile is different too. It lasts longer and it is bigger and even better! He has that great gummy smile that I don't ever want to go away, so if his teeth never come in I will be fine with that...
...His eyes get squinty and his cheek bones pop up and his little round face is just the cutest thing in the world! He babbles when he smiles. The babbling baby boy Barret just babbles up a storm. What on earth he is saying I would really like to know because sometimes he just goes on and on and on, like a good story with lots of details. I love his babbling.
Barret's features look a little different too. Because of the formula he is starting to chunk out a little, and you can tell he is a solid little fella. His face is more full and his limbs are not as lanky, don't get me wrong, he still has really long skinny limbs, but they are filled out a little better.
We don't go in for his 6 month appointment until the end of the month, but I did take him in a week ago because he was coughing and sneezing a lot and I thought we better have his ears checked (rather grandma suggested we do this) and he weighed 15lbs 8 oz.!!! At his 4 month appointment he was 14lbs 6oz. I'm not baby expert, but I would say he is gaining weight at a great rate!
Barret is also a bit different in the car. He no longer falls asleep as soon as you turn it on. He LOVES to babble on with us in the car and look out the window, maybe play with Bobba (the elephant strapped to the car seat), and then take a quick glimpse of himself in his mirror just to make sure he still looks his best :)
We are all packed up and heading for Wisconsin this afternoon, as soon as Dad gets home from work. It is going to be a great week and I can't wait for our first vacation as a little family! Our car ride will surely be an interesting one with our little babbling boy in the back seat. Hopefully our 8 hours will go by fast :)
Who do I look like at 6 months?
Barret at 6 months:
Barret is also becoming quite the mover. If we prop him up on his hands and knees he will sit there and look at us like, "what now?" After a couple minutes he will start to rock back and forth, and eventually his knees slide out and he is back where he started...flat on his belly with his arms stretched out.
Barret is also taking a liking to climbing on anything he can, laundry baskets, feet, couches, chairs, people, you name it, he is climbing it. He has so much fun doing this and I love watching him move around with his big old smile.
His smile is different too. It lasts longer and it is bigger and even better! He has that great gummy smile that I don't ever want to go away, so if his teeth never come in I will be fine with that...
...His eyes get squinty and his cheek bones pop up and his little round face is just the cutest thing in the world! He babbles when he smiles. The babbling baby boy Barret just babbles up a storm. What on earth he is saying I would really like to know because sometimes he just goes on and on and on, like a good story with lots of details. I love his babbling.
Barret's features look a little different too. Because of the formula he is starting to chunk out a little, and you can tell he is a solid little fella. His face is more full and his limbs are not as lanky, don't get me wrong, he still has really long skinny limbs, but they are filled out a little better.
We don't go in for his 6 month appointment until the end of the month, but I did take him in a week ago because he was coughing and sneezing a lot and I thought we better have his ears checked (rather grandma suggested we do this) and he weighed 15lbs 8 oz.!!! At his 4 month appointment he was 14lbs 6oz. I'm not baby expert, but I would say he is gaining weight at a great rate!
Barret is also a bit different in the car. He no longer falls asleep as soon as you turn it on. He LOVES to babble on with us in the car and look out the window, maybe play with Bobba (the elephant strapped to the car seat), and then take a quick glimpse of himself in his mirror just to make sure he still looks his best :)
We are all packed up and heading for Wisconsin this afternoon, as soon as Dad gets home from work. It is going to be a great week and I can't wait for our first vacation as a little family! Our car ride will surely be an interesting one with our little babbling boy in the back seat. Hopefully our 8 hours will go by fast :)
Who do I look like at 6 months?
Barret at 6 months:
Mama at 6 months:
Daddy at 6 months:
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Growing a Green Thumb
While our neighbors are trying to kill the land in our backyard by continuously driving on and parking on the grass no matter if it is raining, snowing, or just a normal day out... 
Check out that mud!
I actually saw the maintenance men out there this morning actually filling in some of the huge tire trenches they have made... I am trying to teach Barret how to grow plants.

Check out that mud!
I actually saw the maintenance men out there this morning actually filling in some of the huge tire trenches they have made... I am trying to teach Barret how to grow plants.
If you know me, you know that I have never ventured into the art of horticulture, but this year I decided I was going to try it out. We are currently growing tomatoes and green peppers. The beautiful geranium I had on our front stoop fried to a crisp after about 2 weeks of life her at the Gaffney household. I even took Barret out with me one morning to water it and we decided to pray for it to get better....
no such luck. However, it still smells just as beautiful as it did the day I brought it home. I love that smell, it reminds me of my Grandma and Grandpa's front door.
Back to the tomatoes and peppers, Every day Barret and I go out to water our plants, pick off any dead leaves, and just look at them, or in Barret's case grab at them and try to rip them to shreds (he killed one plant already). They have grown a great deal (they were planted from seed!), but I am still waiting for the flower. I can't wait for the flowers to come, then I will be ready with my bowl to pull of those beautifully home grown tomatoes and peppers. Even though I don't eat either of them, I will be so excited for what I have accomplished, with the help of my little garden buddy.
After working hard in our garden above we relax a little on the deck.
I love our deck, it isn't big, but it is perfect size for my Barret and me to just sit and enjoy the sun. The past few weeks, we have been visiting the pool on occasion so our towels are hung to dry on the deck, Barret can't stop looking at them. He loves the colors and goes for them every chance he gets. Today he was having a particularly fun time grabbing on tight and waving it around, eventually leading it to his mouth, which is always wide open and ready to take a bite!
On days that mama is lazy and doesn't want to lug everything to the public pool, we set up our own little Gaffney Pool up on our deck and enjoy the sun and water in a more relaxing environment.
Today Barret enjoyed Oranges poolside, while Mama slurped on her Strawberry fruit Popsicle. It was wonderful and delicious. And of course all fun and deliciousness must come to an end when one, who will remain nameless gets crabby and tired, and just needs a little cat nap.
And when he wakes up from those naps is when I smile the most... his smiles, his bed head, and everything about him makes me so happy :)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Beach Adventure
Barret had his first adventure to the beach this weekend for the fourth of July! It was so fun seeing him study the water and the sand. He was confused and trying to make sense of it all. The water was a little cold and he wasn't so sure about the sand on the bottom, because his feet kept sinking in....and I think he was nervous he was going to get sucked out to sea, even though we had quite the tight grip on our little bear.
On the other hand, Barret did have quite the adventure in the sand. As we sat on the blanket and watched dad run and plunge into the water, I guess I wasn't paying attention for longer than I thought, Barret fell face first in the sand. When I looked over and saw what had happened I could not help but laugh. He was just laying there, face in the sand, not making a peep. No crying, no whimpering, no nothing... 
I picked him up and tried coming up with the best solution as to how to clean it off. I yelled to Dad, and he came running in. Should we use the wipes? Should I just brush it off? The drool chin didn't help much, because it was all sticking to his face and looked a little like a beard. Should we use the towel. (The reason for all of the questions was because Barret is in a stage of "NO DON'T TOUCH MY FACE," and whatever I do, whether it is clean his face with a bib after a meal, or just brushing an eyelash from his cheek, I get a scream and then the tears join in. Dad came up with the brilliant idea of taking him in the water and splashing it off. I was a little nervous about this but it seemed to be the best solution. As we waded in the water Barret just smiled and looked perfectly content to be covered in sand, and he looked awfully cute as well. Splashing it off was taking too long and was more difficult than dad imagined it to be. His next idea, (I was a lot opposed to, and if you want to stop reading and skip to the next paragraph you can) was to quickly immerse his face into the water. He did so, and Barret came out perfectly fine, with just a few gasps for air, no sand in his face, and then all of a sudden a great outburst of crying and screaming. "I Knew It!" and we walked back to our blanket, dried him off, and had a wonderful day at the beach.
Barret also experienced his first Fourth of July!
Barret also experienced his first Fourth of July!
I just love his outfit for the 4th!
It was great! Daddy and Uncle Jason lit a few bottle rockets, firecrackers, and roman candles, while Mama enjoyed the finer things, like sparklers! Barret had his name written in the air for the first time and we all had a great time showing him all of the wonderful things you can do with fire on the fourth of July. When the fireworks came, he could not take his eyes off of those bright lights in the sky!
It was a nice weekend away, and even though we did not come home relaxed and refreshed, we were glad to get away even for just a few days.
Friday, July 2, 2010

About a month ago my dad and I shot a wedding for a couple he knows. It was so much fun, but was also my first time without Barret for a whole day, from 7am to 11pm. I loved the day though. Getting to use a NIKON and grabbing my creativity to shout out ideas for the photos. My dad was super excited too and I must say he did a stunning job! The pictures are finally up and on his website along with the thousands of other pictures he has taken.

In two weeks we will all be heading up north for a week and I am so excited to take Barret (and Steve) to one of my favorite places. As a kid my family went up to visit my grandma ever summer and I LOVED the lake. It is no doubt about it, the best place to swim and the best place for a vacation. I know Barret will love it too, and who knows, maybe our little family will start a tradition of going up to stay on the chain of lakes every summer. (I would love that). This trip has had my attention since the day it was mentioned, way back, last July when my grandma past away. I have been looking forward to visiting my childhood memories, smelling the lake air, hearing the rustling of the trees in the wind, swimming in the oh so cold lakes, canoeing, showing Steve where my grandma lived, taking hundreds of pictures of family, friends, and the nature that God has surrounded us in, and saying goodbye to Grandma.
I can't wait! For all of this is going to be such an emotional week but I would not have it any other way, getting to see cousins that I haven't seen since, I don't even know, maybe I was 10, visiting with Aunts and Uncles, reminiscing of the years past, remembering Grandma and all of her love, laughter, and everything that is and was so wonderful about her. It will be so wonderful.

And, until that week, I will continue to look forward to it and pump myself up and make lists of what needs to be packed, and cross things off the list that are silly and unnecessary.
Enjoy this wonderfully beautiful day.
Oh and check out my dad's website and the pictures we took at the wedding.
6 month pictures

Barret had his 6 month pictures taken last night. We went to a horticulture place and it was so pretty. There were all sorts of different opportunities to get great pictures. Of course, if you didn't guess already, Barret was a Crabapotamus. I think he really just doesn't like other people taking his pictures. However, in the pictures I have seen so far you can't tell he was unhappy. Laura Elliott has taken Barret's pictures three times so far and I have nothing but happy comments.

I've been talking with Steve a lot lately about what my future holds and what God really wants for me. Right now, I'm looking at photography. I love taking pictures, I love babies, I love weddings, and the nature around us is so beautiful it just needs to be captured. However, until I put this career to a start, I would highly recommend giving Laura to have your kiddos pictures taken. She is great and her prices are even better. Thanks Laura!

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