Barret had his first adventure to the beach this weekend for the fourth of July! It was so fun seeing him study the water and the sand. He was confused and trying to make sense of it all. The water was a little cold and he wasn't so sure about the sand on the bottom, because his feet kept sinking in....and I think he was nervous he was going to get sucked out to sea, even though we had quite the tight grip on our little bear.
On the other hand, Barret did have quite the adventure in the sand. As we sat on the blanket and watched dad run and plunge into the water, I guess I wasn't paying attention for longer than I thought, Barret fell face first in the sand. When I looked over and saw what had happened I could not help but laugh. He was just laying there, face in the sand, not making a peep. No crying, no whimpering, no nothing... 
I picked him up and tried coming up with the best solution as to how to clean it off. I yelled to Dad, and he came running in. Should we use the wipes? Should I just brush it off? The drool chin didn't help much, because it was all sticking to his face and looked a little like a beard. Should we use the towel. (The reason for all of the questions was because Barret is in a stage of "NO DON'T TOUCH MY FACE," and whatever I do, whether it is clean his face with a bib after a meal, or just brushing an eyelash from his cheek, I get a scream and then the tears join in. Dad came up with the brilliant idea of taking him in the water and splashing it off. I was a little nervous about this but it seemed to be the best solution. As we waded in the water Barret just smiled and looked perfectly content to be covered in sand, and he looked awfully cute as well. Splashing it off was taking too long and was more difficult than dad imagined it to be. His next idea, (I was a lot opposed to, and if you want to stop reading and skip to the next paragraph you can) was to quickly immerse his face into the water. He did so, and Barret came out perfectly fine, with just a few gasps for air, no sand in his face, and then all of a sudden a great outburst of crying and screaming. "I Knew It!" and we walked back to our blanket, dried him off, and had a wonderful day at the beach.
Barret also experienced his first Fourth of July!
Barret also experienced his first Fourth of July!
I just love his outfit for the 4th!
It was great! Daddy and Uncle Jason lit a few bottle rockets, firecrackers, and roman candles, while Mama enjoyed the finer things, like sparklers! Barret had his name written in the air for the first time and we all had a great time showing him all of the wonderful things you can do with fire on the fourth of July. When the fireworks came, he could not take his eyes off of those bright lights in the sky!
It was a nice weekend away, and even though we did not come home relaxed and refreshed, we were glad to get away even for just a few days.
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