Check out that mud!
I actually saw the maintenance men out there this morning actually filling in some of the huge tire trenches they have made... I am trying to teach Barret how to grow plants.
If you know me, you know that I have never ventured into the art of horticulture, but this year I decided I was going to try it out. We are currently growing tomatoes and green peppers. The beautiful geranium I had on our front stoop fried to a crisp after about 2 weeks of life her at the Gaffney household. I even took Barret out with me one morning to water it and we decided to pray for it to get better....
no such luck. However, it still smells just as beautiful as it did the day I brought it home. I love that smell, it reminds me of my Grandma and Grandpa's front door.
Back to the tomatoes and peppers, Every day Barret and I go out to water our plants, pick off any dead leaves, and just look at them, or in Barret's case grab at them and try to rip them to shreds (he killed one plant already). They have grown a great deal (they were planted from seed!), but I am still waiting for the flower. I can't wait for the flowers to come, then I will be ready with my bowl to pull of those beautifully home grown tomatoes and peppers. Even though I don't eat either of them, I will be so excited for what I have accomplished, with the help of my little garden buddy.
After working hard in our garden above we relax a little on the deck.
I love our deck, it isn't big, but it is perfect size for my Barret and me to just sit and enjoy the sun. The past few weeks, we have been visiting the pool on occasion so our towels are hung to dry on the deck, Barret can't stop looking at them. He loves the colors and goes for them every chance he gets. Today he was having a particularly fun time grabbing on tight and waving it around, eventually leading it to his mouth, which is always wide open and ready to take a bite!
On days that mama is lazy and doesn't want to lug everything to the public pool, we set up our own little Gaffney Pool up on our deck and enjoy the sun and water in a more relaxing environment.
Today Barret enjoyed Oranges poolside, while Mama slurped on her Strawberry fruit Popsicle. It was wonderful and delicious. And of course all fun and deliciousness must come to an end when one, who will remain nameless gets crabby and tired, and just needs a little cat nap.
And when he wakes up from those naps is when I smile the most... his smiles, his bed head, and everything about him makes me so happy :)
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