Monday, July 26, 2010

2nd Anniversary

Today is our second anniversary! It is so hard to believe that we have only been married for two years because it feels like it has just been a lifetime....

It is amazing how things change so much when you are married, and it is hard, even now, to remember life without one another. We truly and genuinely complete one another and learn to love one another more and more each day.

Last night I was thinking about all of the gifts we have gotten one another since knowing each other and I couldn't think of what the best one was. Then all of a sudden it dawned on me, the best gift we have received, has been Barret. It is amazing how this little person can fill this huge spot in our hearts. I love that we have him and that we have been blessed to raise him.

I often think about the plans that we made when we were engaged; we wanted to get teaching jobs, buy a house, get a dog, THEN start having kids and making our little family. "HA," God said, as he laughed at us. Our plans were ripped up and stomped on, God has not provided us with teaching jobs, he has not provided us with a dog, and he has not provided us with a house. BUT, and it is a big one, He has provided us with this little bundle of wonderful to fill the void of any of those worldly things we were planning for. He has given us the opportunity to raise a son in the name of Him and we are truly honored and blessed. Since having Barret in our lives, we are happier, we are satisfied and completely comfortable in our apartment, we don't need a dog to take care of, because we already have to deal with enough poop, we don't need to be teachers in a school at this very moment, because the job of teaching our son to eat from a spoon, drink from a cup, crawl, walk, swim, talk, and love is job enough for us right now.

Barret has taught me many things about love. He has made me appreciate the people and the things around me much more than ever before. I take in every moment the best I can, and I thank God for the beauty around me. His love is poured out in the way I love my little family now. I take advantage of the time I have to spend with Barret, knowing he is only going to be little for so long. But I have also learned through Barret, to take advantage of the time I have with Steve. We are only going to be young for so long, and as we spend our date nights in front of our own television, watching movies we check out from the library, and drinking water while we eat popcorn that was only $4.99 for a 12 lb. bag, we fall into a deeper love just being together. Even though our dates aren't as elaborate or expensive as they used to be, they are perfect for us. They bring us together, they allow us time to talk, they make us fall in love more and more each day.

I thank God so much for bringing Barret into our lives so unexpectedly. I know it was for a reason, and to this day I am learning more and more of those reasons. The greatest reason in our Marriage, I feel, was simply to bring us closer.

I love you my dear, and I can't wait to see what God has planned for us in the coming years! Happy Anniversary!

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