Monday, May 31, 2010

The pains of things unseen

There is constant smiling and laughing in the Gaffney home from roughly 6:30-7:30am. We have a good morning party, it seems almost daily, that consists of B eating followed by goofing off until it is time for dad to go to work. As the day progresses, so does the flood of emotion from our little man. But from underneath the chuckles comes a face and a groan that makes grown men cry. Generally the crying comes from an understanding of where the face and groans come from. Ours generally follows a large dinner mainly consisting high iron and low fiber, and we all know I'm taking about some steak! My son has entered a part of manhood I prayed would never befall him, but alas it has. My son CANT POOP! It is a terrible thing to witness a small boy that goes from squeals of joy and jubilation to screams of pain and constipation. But there is a remedy that we have discovered. PEACHES!
It seems as though these miracle fruits are not only delicious and nutritious, they will straight clean you out. Saturday we decided to introduce a little cup of this fruity goodness. Sunday and church was quite the experience, or so I'm told, lol. My little guy was then served these mashed makers of unending joy Sunday and has shocked and amazed yet again. It has been what seems to be two straight days of non stop relief from my little guy. It is a glorious thing to see the look of relief of an ailment a week in the making. Next time reach for the peach!

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